Two Terrifying Stories About Cyber Stalkers

Good evening, it’s Spooky Boo Rhodes from Sandcastle, California. This week is all about cyberstalkers, AI, and computer weirdness. Tonight I have two new stories about cyber stalkers.

Be sure to check out these stories and more on my YouTube channel. On Saturday nights we get together over a roaring fire for and enjoy the evening together while listening to scary stories then we head on over to the chat room where the live chat continues. Find my YouTube channel from my website at

Now let’s begin…

Story Number One

Tammy’s Cyber Stalker

What someone might feel like if being cyberstalked.Tammy sat at her desk, her eyes glued to the computer screen. She had just finished an important project for work and was looking forward to taking a break. But something caught her eye. A small pop-up window appeared on her screen. It was an advertisement for a new computer virus protection software.

Tammy rolled her eyes. She had already installed antivirus software on her computer, and she didn’t need any more pop-ups to distract her. She clicked the ‘X’ button to close the window, but it wouldn’t budge. She tried again and again, but the pop-up remained, taunting her.

She decided to restart her computer, thinking that would solve the problem. But when she logged back in, the pop-up was still there. Tammy began to panic. What if she had accidentally clicked on a malicious link or downloaded a virus? She knew she had to get her computer checked out, but she didn’t have the time or money to take it to a repair shop.

Days turned into weeks, and Tammy began to notice strange things happening on her computer. Files would go missing, and she would find strange programs installed on her computer that she didn’t remember downloading. She tried to ignore it, thinking it was just a glitch, but the feeling of being watched never left her.
One day, Tammy received an email from an unknown sender. The subject line read ‘I’m watching you.’ Tammy’s heart raced as she opened the email. The message read, ‘Hello Tammy. I’ve been watching you for a while now. You have no idea how beautiful you look when you’re typing away at your computer. I can see everything you do.’

Tammy’s hands shook as she read the message. Who was this person? How did they know her name? And most importantly, how were they watching her?

She tried to reply to the email, but it bounced back. She tried to track the sender’s IP address, but it was hidden behind multiple layers of encryption. Tammy was trapped, and she didn’t know what to do.

The emails continued, each one more sinister than the last. The stalker would describe in detail what Tammy was wearing, what she was doing, and where she was. She began to feel like she was being followed wherever she went.

The worst part was that the stalker knew everything about her. They knew her schedule, her routines, her likes and dislikes. Tammy was terrified that they would show up at her door one day.
One night, Tammy was working late on a project when she heard a noise outside her window. She tried to ignore it, but the noise continued, getting louder and more persistent. She finally got up to investigate, peering out into the darkness.

That’s when she saw him. A man in a hooded sweatshirt, holding a laptop in his hands. She recognized him from her office building, but she couldn’t remember his name. He had always seemed a little off, but she never thought he would do something like this.

Tammy’s heart pounded in her chest as the man began to walk towards her door. She knew she had to act fast. She grabbed her phone and dialed 911, explaining the situation to the operator. But as she turned back to look out the window, the man was gone.
The police arrived within minutes, but there was no sign of the stalker. They searched the surrounding area but found nothing. Tammy felt like she was going crazy. Was she imagining all of this? Was the stalker even real?

Days turned into weeks, and Tammy began to doubt herself. Maybe she was just overreacting. Maybe it was all just a coincidence. But then she received another email, and everything came flooding back.

This time, the stalker included a video file.

Tammy hesitated to open the video, but her curiosity got the better of her. She clicked play and watched in horror as the video showed her going about her daily routine. From waking up in the morning to getting ready for work, the stalker had captured every moment on film. Tammy felt violated and sick to her stomach.
She knew she couldn’t continue to live like this. She had to find a way to stop the stalker. Tammy contacted a cybersecurity firm and explained her situation. They promised to help her track down the stalker and put an end to his reign of terror.

The cybersecurity team discovered that the stalker had been using a sophisticated computer virus to gain access to Tammy’s computer and monitor her every move. He had been using her own webcam to watch her without her knowledge.

With the help of the cybersecurity team, Tammy was able to remove the virus from her computer and secure her online accounts. The stalker was eventually caught and arrested, but the damage had already been done. Tammy was left traumatized by the experience and struggled to trust anyone.

Years later, Tammy still found it hard to shake off the memories of her stalker. She had installed the best antivirus software on her computer and was always careful about what she downloaded, but the fear of being watched never truly left her.
She was right to be suspicous. Not long after she thought about the stalker again, she walked into her house to find a man in an all black faceless rave suit with a red tie around his neck. She tried to run for the door, but he had control of her autoresponse system and locked it before she could open it. No matter how hard she tried to unlock the door, the bolt would return to the locked position before she could open it.

“What do you want?” she cried out.

The stalker smiled behind the faceless mask and sprayed something sweet smelling into her face. From there he carried her out and placed her in his white van. No one ever heard from Tammy again.

Story Number 2

Ann’s Cyber Stalker Story

woman sitting at her computer while being stalked by a creeperAnna sat at her desk, staring at her computer screen. She had just finished checking her emails when a new message popped up in her inbox. It was from Michael, her ex-boyfriend. Her heart skipped a beat as she clicked on the message.

“Hey Anna, I hope you’re doing well. I just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing. I miss you.”

Anna felt a wave of anxiety wash over her. She hadn’t heard from Michael in months, and she didn’t want to reopen old wounds. She debated whether to respond to the message or ignore it.

As the days went by, Anna received more and more messages from Michael. He would send her emails, text messages, and even messages on her social media accounts. He would profess his love for her and plead for her to take him back.

At first, Anna tried to ignore the messages, thinking that Michael would eventually get the hint and stop. But the messages continued to pour in, and they started to become more aggressive. He would accuse her of ignoring him and threaten to show up at her doorstep if she didn’t respond.

Anna began to feel like she was being watched. She would catch glimpses of someone following her on the street or peering into her windows at night. She tried to shake off the feeling, thinking that it was just her imagination.

But then she received a message that changed everything. Michael had somehow managed to access her personal information and had started to use it against her. He would send her messages that detailed her daily routine, what she was wearing, and where she was going. It was as if he was watching her every move.

Anna felt violated and scared. She didn’t know how Michael had gained access to her information, and she didn’t know how to make him stop. She tried to change her passwords and tighten her online security, but nothing seemed to work.

The messages continued to pour in, each one more threatening than the last. Michael would tell her that he knew where she was and that he was coming for her. Anna began to lose sleep, constantly looking over her shoulder and checking to make sure her doors and windows were locked.

One night, Anna received a message from Michael that pushed her over the edge. He had sent her a photo of her sleeping, taken from outside her bedroom window. Anna knew that she had to take action before things got any worse.

She contacted the police and explained the situation to them. They took her statement and promised to do everything they could to find Michael. But they warned her that cyberstalking cases were difficult to solve and that she might have to take extra measures to protect herself.

Anna decided to take matters into her own hands. She began to document every message and email she received from Michael, keeping a detailed record of the harassment. She also started to carry pepper spray with her and made sure to tell her friends and family about the situation.

Months went by, and the messages continued to pour in. But Anna felt more in control now. She had taken the necessary precautions and had a support system to turn to if things got too overwhelming.

One day, Anna received a message from Michael that was different from all the others. It was a message of apology. He explained that he had been going through a difficult time and that he had been using Anna as a way to cope. He promised that he would never contact her again and that he would seek help for his behavior.
Anna was hesitant to believe Michael’s apology, but she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. She never heard from him again after that message, and she was able to move on with her life.

The experience had left a lasting impact on Anna. She became more careful about her online presence and made sure to educate her friends and family about online safety. She also decided to share her story in the hopes that it would help others who might be going through a similar situation.

Despite the closure she had received, Anna still felt a lingering sense of fear and paranoia. She would often look over her shoulder, worried that Michael might be watching her. It took her a long time to trust people again and to feel safe in her own home.
But as time passed, Anna began to heal. She found solace in her hobbies and spent more time with her loved ones. She even started dating again and eventually found someone who made her feel safe and loved.

However, the memories of Michael continued to haunt her. She wondered how someone could be so twisted and cruel, and she hoped that he had received the help he needed to overcome his issues.

One day, Anna received a letter in the mail. It was from Michael, and she hesitated to open it, afraid of what it might contain. But when she finally mustered up the courage to read it, she was surprised by what she found.

Michael had written to apologize once again for his behavior. He explained that he had been going through a tough time in his life and that he had been struggling with addiction and mental health issues. He had since entered rehab and had sought therapy to help him cope with his problems.

Anna felt a sense of relief wash over her. She was glad to hear that Michael had received the help he needed and that he had taken responsibility for his actions. She even wrote back to him, thanking him for the apology and wishing him all the best in his recovery.
Years went by, and Anna had moved on with her life. She had a successful career, a loving partner, and a strong support system of friends and family. But she never forgot the lessons she had learned from her experience with Michael.

She continued to be vigilant about her online safety and made sure to educate others about the dangers of cyberstalking. She knew that her experience had been a traumatic one, but she also knew that it had made her stronger and more resilient.

In the end, Anna had come out on the other side of her ordeal with a newfound appreciation for her own strength and a deeper understanding of the importance of self-care and mental health. And she hoped that by sharing her story, she could help others who might be struggling with similar issues.

Anna felt a sense of unease as she read Michael’s latest message. It had been years since she had last heard from him, and she had thought that he had finally moved on with his life. But now, here he was, contacting her once again.

The message was brief and to the point. Michael simply wrote, “I need to talk to you. Meet me at our old spot tomorrow at 6 pm.”
Anna felt a surge of panic as she read those words. She had no desire to see Michael again, especially after what he had put her through. She tried to compose herself and think of a way to respond, but her mind was a jumbled mess of fear and anxiety.

In the end, she decided to ignore the message and hoped that Michael would take the hint and leave her alone. But as the day wore on, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. She kept looking over her shoulder and checking her phone, half-expecting another message from him.

That night, she hardly slept at all. Her mind was filled with thoughts of Michael and what he might want from her. She wondered if he had somehow found out where she lived or if he had been stalking her all along.
The next day, she tried to go about her day as usual, but she couldn’t shake the feeling of dread that hung over her like a dark cloud. As the clock ticked closer to 6 pm, she found herself growing more and more anxious.

At last, the time arrived, and Anna made her way to the old spot where she and Michael used to meet. She kept her eyes peeled for any sign of him, but the area was deserted.

Just as she was about to turn around and leave, she heard a sound behind her. She spun around, her heart pounding in her chest, and saw Michael standing there, his face twisted into a sinister grin.
Anna tried to run, but Michael was too quick. He grabbed her by the arm and dragged her into an alleyway, away from prying eyes.
For what felt like hours, Michael ranted and raved at Anna, blaming her for everything that had gone wrong in his life. He accused her of ruining his career and his relationships, and he claimed that he would never be able to move on until she forgave him.

Anna tried to reason with him, tried to explain that she had moved on with her life and that she had no desire to be a part of his anymore. But Michael was beyond reason. He was consumed by a twisted sense of entitlement, and he refused to let Anna go.
At last, Anna managed to break free from Michael’s grasp and make a run for it. She sprinted down the alleyway, her heart pounding in her chest, and didn’t stop until she had reached the safety of her own home.

But even there, she knew she wasn’t truly safe. Michael had proven that he was willing to do whatever it took to get what he wanted, and she didn’t know what he might do next.

The next few days were a blur of fear and anxiety for Anna. She hardly left her house, constantly checking her phone and looking over her shoulder. She tried to reach out to the police, but they told her that there was little they could do unless Michael made a direct threat against her.

As the days turned into weeks, Anna began to feel like she was losing her grip on reality. She hardly slept or ate, consumed by the fear that Michael might be lurking around every corner.

Finally, she reached a breaking point. She knew that she couldn’t live like this anymore, that she needed to take control of the situation before it consumed her completely.

She asked to meet Michael in an alley way where they first met and he excitedly agreed. She paid two men to jump him and warn him never to contact her again, but it didn’t work. That night Michael broke into her house and killer her. He was never found.

Author: spookyboo22

There are many different authors on this website who have allowed their work to be used through the Creative Commons. I am only the site administrator. Most stories are not written by me.

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