Terrifying Stories About Demons – Hell Night

Good evening, it’s Spooky Boo Rhodes bringing to you the next installment of Creepypasta and Scary Stories–an episode that I’ve named Hell Night. Why, might you ask? Because in these stories you’re living in your own hell while the demons are clouding your mind and scaring you to…well, let’s just leave that one alone!

A quick note, please do not use the PO Box at this time. I’ll let you know when the box is open again. Thanks!

For more information on this program, visit my website at www.scarystorytime.com where you can make comments on the stories and get links to my social media accounts.

Now let’s begin…

I Heard Dragging from the Attic

by NerdxCorexCreep

My entire world has been corrupted and transformed forever.  What I thought I knew is a joke. Growing up in a super religious family, I had always been taught about God, angels, the Devil, and just about every other theological aspect of life.

Being a rebellious teenage girl, however, I chose to spend my teenage years doing everything I possibly could to get away from that lifestyle. I am an atheist… or at least I was until last year. Let me be clear… I didn’t change my entire outlook on life to suddenly follow my family’s religious beliefs.

I’ve discovered something more terrifying than the thought of going to Hell for doing this or that. I’ve discovered that Hell may in fact be Earth. Let me go back and fill in the context for what I discovered last year.

I had just started babysitting for this family in order to earn some extra cash. I had no interest in staying at home with my freakshow family of wannabe televangelists and altar boys, so I wanted to make sure I always had something to do. Whether it was hanging out with my girls at the mall or chilling by myself at a movie, I wanted to make sure I was financially able to go out and have fun.

So, the first couple of nights were cool. The kid was about 12 years old (I was 17 at the time) and he was pretty chill for his age. We hung out, ate some junk food, and played video games until his bedtime.

The parents paid me $18 an hour while they went out and did their thing from 7 pm until 1 am every Friday and Saturday. It was a pretty sweet gig. I just got paid to hang out with some kid for the first two hours and relax for the next four.

One night, shit got weird. I had put the kid to bed at 9 pm as usual and was just laying on the couch, trolling Twitter. Suddenly, I started to hear what sounded like dragging coming from upstairs.

“The fuck?” I whispered to myself, putting my phone away. I got up and starting walking up the stairs to investigate. “Ben?” I called up as I got higher and higher. “You out of bed?”

I got to the top of the stairs and made my way to his bedroom, slowly opening his door. I peeked inside and saw that he was fast asleep in his bed. I walked up to him to see if he was pretending… until I noticed the pool of drool soaking his pillow. Yeah… he was definitely out.

I covered his exposed chest and made my way out of the bedroom. I stood there for a moment in confusion, until I decided I must’ve been hearing things. I shrugged and started walking toward the stairs until I heard it again.

The sound of something dragging was a lot louder this time, and I realized it was coming from up above the floor I was on. I walked around until I noticed a string dangling from the ceiling revealing the entrance to the attic. I took a moment, trying to decide what my next step was.

Was it some kind of animal? Did someone break-in? Were they keeping an evil twin brother to Ben chained up, feeding him fish heads every day?

I decided to call the parents and ask them about it. After about three rings, the mother answered.

“Jen? Is everything alright?” she answered.

“Yeah, Mrs. Fern,” I replied. “I was just wondering if you knew what was going to up in the attic? I keep hearing this sound like something dragging up there.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that,” she said, sounding relieved. “We’ve recently been experiencing a pest problem. Rats, bats, and other various rodents. Don’t worry, though, they’re quite contained up there.”

“Oh, okay,” I replied, not really convince. “Thanks!”

“Is there anything else? How’s Ben behaving for you?”

“Oh he’s been great. He’s fast asleep right now.”

“Wonderful! Well if there’s anything else you need be sure to call me again, k?”

“No problem, Mrs. Fern”

“Bye-bye, now!”


No sooner than I hung up the phone did I start to hear the dragging again. It sounded way too heavy to be rodents, but I figured its none of my business, so I headed back downstairs. Despite having to listen to dragging, the rest of the night went as usual.

The parents came home at about 1 am, paid me, and I was on my way home. That was Friday night. It was Saturday that everything changed for me. It was a night that I will never forget, no matter how much I want to.

Things went about the same as it did the night before. Ben was super chill, we hung out until his bedtime, and I laid on the couch on my phone. About the same time as the previous night, I started to hear the dragging.

“Shit, this again,” I said to myself. I was tempted to put in my earbuds but figured that might be a bad idea in case Ben needed me or something. The dragging would not stop. It went on and on and on and I could swear it was getting louder.

Eventually, I’d had enough. I was by no means scared of rodents, and if it really was a pest problem like Mrs. Fern said it was, then I could take care of it for them… or at least the ones I could find. I grabbed a broom, ready to smash some vermin, and headed upstairs.

I checked on Ben to make sure he was still asleep, which he was, and closed the door as I exited his room. I then walked over to the attic and pulled on the string, releasing the ladder, and making my way up. When I got up there, I turned on my flashlight app and looked around.

I didn’t see any rodents. No bats, rats, or anything else I would have been expecting. What I did find, however, almost made me shriek out loud.

It was a gargoyle. The expression on its face was horribly twisted and terrifying. It had a long tongue that reached all the way to the floor, and large fangs that filled its wide scowl. It stood on two stubby legs but kept itself propped up with two long muscular looking arms, its long claws planted firmly into the floor.

I shook in nervousness and fear as I shone my flashlight at its horrible looking face. Slowly, I motioned the beam and focused on its hands, and then the floor around it. My heart began to race as I noticed scratch marks along the floor, ending where its claws rested.

Trying my best to hold in a whimper, I slowly (but as quickly as I could) began to back away, minding my footing as to be fall out of the entrance. I felt where it was and began to decline. I looked down to correct my footing, and suddenly hear fast, loud dragging, that stopped right in from of me.

I knew what I was going to see before I even looked up. I began trembling as I slowly turned my head to face the stone, demon looking monster. Even though I knew exactly what I was going to see, that didn’t stop me from screaming right in its face. I lost my grip and fell down to the floor.

Struggling, I ran to Ben’s room and frantically woke him up. “Ben! Ben, wake up! We gotta get out of here!” I screamed.

He shot up in shock, completely confused as to what was happening. I dragged him out of his bed and ran out of his room, where there stood the gargoyle, the evil scowl now shifted into an even more evil smile. I screamed in horror, as Ben just stared at it, and then at me.

“What’s going on?” he asked, seemingly oblivious to the stone monstrosity before us. I didn’t have time to answer his questions though, as I dragged him and ran past it. “Wait!” he yelled out, but I wasn’t trying to hear it. We needed to get out of there now!

We got to the stairs when I felt a hard fist, hit me right in the back. I lost my grip with ben as I went crashing down the stairs. As I tumble to the bottom, aching all over, I look up the stairs to see Ben standing with that thing… holding its hand.

“What did you do?” he asked, looking somewhat… angry.

“Ben!” I called out to him. “Get away from that thing!”

“No!” he replied, visibly gripping the gargoyle’s hand tighter.

I then noticed the creature’s smile had left its face, as it stared blankly at me. I could faintly see that its eyes were not stone like the rest of it. They were black, and had a glint of life in them. The pupils were faint but I could barely make them out to be tiny red dots that began to dilate as I stared into them.

“Ben?” I began, growing confused at the situation. “What’s going on?” 

“You weren’t supposed to go upstairs, Jen!” he yelled at me as if he were a parent scolding a misbehaved child. “Do you have any idea how long it took for my parents to get him up there? Do you know how heavy and stubborn he is?”

I stood there, speechless, trying to wrap my head around everything Ben was saying to me. He knew what this thing was… they all did. They had locked him up there… and I had set him free.

“Oh, shit…” I said out loud.

“Oh shit is right,” said Ben. “You’d better call my parents so they can fix your mess. Oh man… they are not gonna be happy about this.”

Not knowing what other options I had… I did just that. I called up Mrs. Fern and explained what was happening. She… was not happy.

They arrived home after about 20 minutes, and they let me have it.

“Do you have ANY idea what you’ve done?” she scolded. “I TOLD you to not worry about it! It was none of your business! Now you’ve gone and set him free! Do you have ANY idea how hard it was to get him up there the first time! Do you have any idea how heavy he is?”

I had no words. I had no answers. I had no idea what was real or fantasy anymore.

“You know what? Don’t bother. You’re fired. Take your money and please get out of my house.”

She then shoved my money into my chest and pointed towards the door. No words to speak, I looked over at Ben who was still holding hands with the gargoyle, which was now downstairs with us… that evil smile back on its face.

I left the house and never spoke about what happened. Now… my whole existence has been thrown into question. Everything I’ve ever been taught… everything I’ve ever believed and not believed is completely distorted now. Living gargoyles? What else is out there?

As I said, I never spoke a word about this to anyone and had planned on keeping it to myself for the rest of my life. That was… until last night. Right before I went to bed, I went to close my bedroom window and noticed it… the gargoyle. It was perched on the roof right outside my window.. staring with that wicked smile.

The Good Ole Days

A creepypasta by Shadow Of Darkness

My life completely changed that day.

The year was 1998, I was a punk kid who listened to Nirvana, Alice In Chains, Pearl Jam, etc. I lived in a casual suburban town not too far from Buffalo, New York. I enjoyed things like skateboarding, basketball, and playing the Les Paul I got for my birthday.

I lived near a wooded area that always had a faint light illuminating from what appeared to be an old shack. At night, I would look out my window in the direction of the light, and then around the area it was coming from. I never told anyone about the light because at the time I wasn’t concerned.

About two months later, I got out of the seventh grade, and was glad that summer had finally come. I would often skate with my friends around the area of the woods, although each time we got closer to it. My friend, (let’s call him Jonathan) one night noticed the light coming from the trees. I told him that it was coming from an old, ugly shack. After that, he didn’t seem too concerned about it, so we dropped the subject.

On the 4th of July, my Dad was hosting a neighborhood steak-out. Me and Jonathan had stolen some firecrackers that we found in a box in the back of an old Volvo. Around 8:00 PM, mostly everybody had arrived, and we ate dinner while our folks had a few drinks. Me and Jonathan were feeling adventurous, so we asked my Dad (who had already had a few beers) if we could go explore in the woods. He said that it was fine but not to get ourselves killed.

We then headed off towards the shack, curious of what was inside. After about ten minutes, we were out of sight from my house, but we had finally come across the shack. The light shined extremely bright, and turned out to be an old Victorian styled lantern, sitting on a wooden desk with a single drawer.

I opened up the door, and inside was a bronze key with a goat’s head on top. We scratched our heads wondering what the key was for, until we noticed a keyhole on the wood paneled floor. Jonathan and I hesitated for a few minutes, debating who should open the latch.

He eventually stepped up and opened it up. The hatch made an ear piercing creak as it opened. We were confronted by a set of old stone steps, leading to what appeared to be some sort of chamber. Jonathan led the way, as we made our way through the hell hole.

After multiple twists and turns, I said “There’s nothing here, let’s go.” Jonathan agreed, but right as we turned around something caught our ears. “They’re coming to get you, Barbara.” Being a horror fanatic, I knew the famous line from the classic “Night of the Living Dead”.

The line repeated over and over, and we decided to keep going. We found a dead end, with two rooms on either side, and we decided to look in the one on the right first. There was nothing there. As I turned around facing the left, something horrifying entered my line of sight. Sitting in a metal chair was a creature, covered in dried blood, wearing a black cloak. The most disturbing feature was its face. It had the head of a goat, with black, dead eyes. It had a smile on carved into it’s face, revealing bone. I ran faster than I ever had, and looked behind me one last time.

It had Jonathan.

He was kicking and screaming, but it dragged him and threw him into the room, with a loud thud. It then came after me, and I ran through the maze like passage, until I found the stairs again.

I slammed the hatch as hard as I could and ran back home. After I got back, I told my parents, “Jonathan is missing!” Then, I proceeded to tell a terrible lie; concerned that the creature would come for me if I told others of its existence. They never found Jonathan’s body, and they even searched the shack.

I lived in that house for another year or so until my parents deemed it an unsafe area. I still thought about the thing every night when I closed my eyes.

The thing that haunts me the most is that I may never know what happened to Jonathan. Was he taken to another dimension? Is he hidden somewhere? Is he still alive? I might not ever find out, but that thing is still out there, and it wants it sacrifice. I have come to believe that it will hunt down anybody who knows it exists. I’m so sorry, but now, it’s your turn.


The Red Eyes in the Dark

by UndeadGoblin

I was using my computer, as usual, just like any other day. I was watching my daily funny videos on YouTube and my sister, who shares the same room with me, was watching T.V. I can’t remember what show she was watching, but that’s not important, is it?

Let me tell you a little about my sister first. She is always worried about my mom; when she’d be outside of the house for a long time, my sister would always say something like, “Call mom, she should have been here an hour ago! You think something bad happened to her?!” Which I will always reply with, “Oh, she’s fine, don’t worry about it”.

But this time, I was actually concerned about my mom. She had these “new friends”. No, don’t worry, these friends were real, not some imaginary friends. Just normal friends… actually, no. Her new friends apparently did witchcraft, which my mom was getting interested in. She even started buying these statues, weird cards and candles, sadly.

Now, what really made me concerned is something my mom’s friend gave to her. It was an old doll of a lady wearing a dress. It had an umbrella and eyelashes, and those freaky eyes that were orange. My mom put it in my room. My sister apparently liked it, but I unfortunately didn’t. Don’t get me wrong- it’s not that I don’t like dolls, but this one was… bizarre.

My sister had put it next to the window, which was fine by me. But it was facing directly at me, which I did not like. When it was getting late, my sister decided to go to a sleepover with her friends. She left me with the doll and I was alone for the whole night. Great. I was just watching some T.V, but I kept getting distracted by that doll. It made me feel somewhat uncomfortable, so I got up from the bed and positioned the doll to look outside the window. That pretty much solved the problem and I felt much better.

A few hours had passed, and I was getting pretty tired. I decided to turn off the T.V and go to sleep. I fell asleep soundly until I heard a little noise coming near the window. I went to look at it, and noticed the doll.

It was facing me again. Confused, I looked around to see if anyone entered my room, but I saw no signs. I just stared at the doll like I was expecting it to move again, and trying to make up something logical in my brain on how it could have possibly moved. So I’m now sitting, in my pitch-dark room, staring at this creepy doll. While staring at it I grew more tense. The atmosphere changed completely. I felt like something else was in the room, and I was right.

In the very corner of my eyes, I noticed two large, red eyes, staring at me. I didn’t think twice to make eye contact and quickly hid under the thin covers. I glared at this thing through the cheap fabric of the covers, and saw those red eyes continuing to stare at me. Panicking, I just lay there, trying to pretend I was sleeping so that thing would just leave. But as anyone can imagine, I couldn’t.

Hours passed, and those red eyes began to slowly walk towards my bed. I caught a glimpse of this… thing’s body as a little bit of light came into my room through the curtains. But it was already morning, and the monster just faded away. Without thinking, I sprung out of my bed and rushed out of my room, making sure I didn’t look back.

I sprinted to the kitchen where I saw my mom cooking, and her friend watching T.V. I felt more relaxed, and brave enough to go back to my room. I noticed the doll was facing the window again. Weird. It must have been a bad dream, how silly of me!

I went back to the kitchen where I greeted my mom.

“Hello, Brandon. Say hello to Samantha.”

I looked at the back of Samantha’s head, who was still watching TV. “Hello,” I said, with a relieved voice.

She turned to me with a huge grin. “Hello, Brandon. Don’t you love my new red contacts”?

Do Not Disobey

by Houndread

When I awoke, I found myself sitting in the front seat of a bus. I glanced at the window beside me, but all I could see was pitch black darkness. The bus’s engine was rumbling, but I couldn’t tell if the bus was in motion. There was no driver, I noticed as I looked straight ahead, and there was a metal wall where the windshield should be. Written on the wall in a red-brown substance were three lines of words. They read:

Do Not Turn Around

Do Not Speak

Do Not Lie

I knew that I wasn’t dreaming. I looked behind me, not sure if I would be relieved if there happened to be someone else in the bus with me. I saw no one. All of the seats were empty. As I turned back to face the front of the bus, I heard a large bang against the wall, as if the bus had hit something. On the wall, where there were once three lines of text, now only had two: Do Not Speak and Do Not Lie.

I held my breath, immediately recalling that the first line warned not to turn around. My stomach churned and I started feeling nauseous as I looked up at the wall. Wondering if I had only imagined the first line of text, I turned around again to make sure no one may have been hiding under a seat, but before I stood up to check, I saw a large figure sitting at the back of the bus.

I ducked behind the seat-back, my heart pounding rapidly. I had only looked for about a second, but slowly the image of the figure I saw took form in my mind.  It was a giant cricket, sitting on its abdomen with its legs crossed. I threw up on the floor, still ducking at my seat. I was terrified. I tried to open the window but it wouldn’t nudge, despite there being no visible lock. I pounded on the window and shouted for help. Suddenly, the engine shut off. I could hear nothing but my own breathing and heartbeat. I waited to catch my breath, and listened to see if I could hear any noise from the opposite end of the bus. I heard nothing.

I was ready to run to the doors of the bus and try to push my way out through them, but when I faced the front end of the bus, I was once again greeted with missing text. Do Not Speak was no longer written on the wall, and only Do Not Lie remained. Was I in a twilight zone? Was I really dreaming and simply living the most realistic nightmare I had ever experienced? I asked myself these questions, trying to calm myself, but I recalled the cricket I saw sitting behind me. The first time I turned around, nothing was there, but when I took a second look the cricket appeared. Of course, it was only a glance, so maybe I had just imagined it, as well as the writing on the wall. I didn’t want to turn around, but as I sat there, I feared that if a figure was there, it would approach and attack me soon. I slowly peaked from the side of my seat and immediately regretted it. I could very clearly see the cricket was now standing on its back legs. It was about five feet tall and its eyes were the size of baseballs. I cursed to myself and began to hear the chirps of crickets. They were faint, but they were definitely coming from inside the bus.

“Who are you?” I asked.

The chirping rather than stopping when I shouted multiplied. I was sweating heavily, still glued to my seat.

“Please, leave me alone!”

The sounds grew louder. I started to cry, but very quickly my sobs were drowned out with the chorus of thousands of cricket sounds. My head was pounding, and I couldn’t take it anymore. I stood up and looked back at the cricket. It stood, a few seats closer now, staring at me. Sitting behind the cricket were what appeared to be people with their faces bitten off. I slowly walked backwards towards the bus doors, keeping eye contact with the giant insect. Once I was beside the doors, I turned to kick them open. They didn’t budge. As I turned back, I saw that the cricket was now several seats closer than before. All of the seats behind it were occupied by people whose heads had been chewed up. I quickly jumped back into my seat. I poked my head up and cried as I saw the cricket was now only a few seats away from me. I crawled to the floor and sat on my vomit. When I looked up, the giant bug was now behind my seat, staring down at me. My whimpers were inaudible. My eardrums popped as the bug stood over me and the chirps raged. I was afraid to look away or hide under the seat, because the thing could very easily appear beside me if I so much as glanced away for a second. I wanted to close my eyes, but that same fear of being attacked kept my eyes stuck on the cricket.

I put my arms before me to protect myself, waiting to be devoured. The cricket slowly began to raise one of its legs and reached down towards me. Attached to the leg was a sheet of paper. It shook the paper off, and it fell on my lap. I looked down at the paper, and saw a question read:

“Are you going to die now?”

I closed my eyes shut and covered my ears. Sobbing profusely, I nodded my head.


Author: spookyboo22

There are many different authors on this website who have allowed their work to be used through the Creative Commons. I am only the site administrator. Most stories are not written by me.

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