Ghost Stories and Haunted Places of the Paranormal

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Good evening, it’s Spooky Boo Rhodes also known as Nightmare’s Mistress on YouTube. This week is Ghost Week on the podcast and today I have for you five stories from across the internet about ghosts and hauntings that are assumed to be true. This week I dedicate the episodes to my brother. Leif passed this week from natural causes. He wasn’t much of a horror fan like I am but he did enjoy ghost stories. I’m a bit shocked and numb most of all torn apart. We’ll all be ok though because he was a good man and a very talented musician. I am very grateful and proud to be his little sister.

The first story is one I grabbed from Leif’s Facebook page. It, strangely enough, showed up on my timeline around 3 this morning. Another weird thing that happened since his passing, the other night I was watching a movie to try and get my mind off of the event of his death so I started watching Rob Zombie’s Halloween, something I hadn’t seen before and something that wasn’t so involved with emotion. While watching the movie, I felt what seemed like a hand on my left shoulder. It actually felt like a person tapping me for comfort. I looked to see and of course, no one was there then I felt a sensation of comfort and warmth all around me almost like a color or a vibration actually saying “everything will be okay” and when I looked again nothing was there. I then felt calm and serene. I know it sounds weird but it is really hard to describe. There were no outspoken verbal words, but the feeling was verbal. That was my spooky experience as of late. I’m sure it was my brother or me hoping it was while my mind was playing tricks on me. What do you think?

Please note these stories will also be told on YouTube this Saturday night in my 2.5-hour ghost story special. Stop by and say hi! Just search for Spooky Boo Rhodes or Nightmare’s MIstress on YouTube.

Before I begin I’d like to thank the listeners and Patreon members including madjoe, P.A. Nightmares, Ivy Iverson, John Newby, Patrick, and If you would like to support the show by becoming a Patreon or YouTube member or by wearing merchandise, please visit my website at Sharing with your friends is also a wonderful way to support the program.

It’s cold out here in Sandcastle, California so grab your blanket with me and sit back to listen to these spooky, scary stories.

Now let’s begin.

Story One

by Leif Rhodes

My recent “Ghost” story. I am a fairly skeptical and analytical person. At a young age I was quite convinced that people who claimed they had seen ghosts were ‘hysterical’ and/or lying and that I would see aliens/UFOs in my lifetime.
I am 57 now. I have never remotely seen anything I could identify as aliens and nothing I would classify as an alien craft. However starting in my very late teens I have had experiences I can only classify as supernatural and/or ‘ghost’ hauntings.
I also attempt to define scientifically anything I have seen/heard/felt and of the times I think it was possible, a good portion of them were possibly in my mind. However there have been a few times where I am pretty sure there was something going on.
After my brain injury and subsequent stroke, those kinds of ‘feelings’ went away and I went years without an experience. But I have had two in the last month, one of which I am quite sure.
I install high end HD cameras. I did a job about a month ago up in the NorthWoods of WI. It was actually a new pole barn style building but filled with collectors items. A museum if you will. The power was out all day. So I had roll up doors open as I installed this system. The thought or feeling of that type never even occurred to me. But at the end of the day I was wrapping it up and had closed up the building.
I had brought power in from my vehicle inverter to operate the camera system and program it. In an adjacent room I was watching on the screen, a fog began to develop in patches and then ultimately coalesced into a figure. On video or still cameras they can nearly always be explained away as ‘artifacts’.
Still not thinking ‘ghost’, I was attempting to figure out what kind of interference could be causing this ‘artifact’. But it was quite solid and behaving in such a way that I wanted to go into the room the camera was viewing.
BTW these are ultra high resolution, dark-seeing cameras. (IR). When I walked in the room I was accosted by a very powerful feeling and heard a hissing. Very close to what a Possum sounds like. Then I heard the whispers with slightly unintelligible language and numerous different voices.
I was overwhelmed by the feeling and got the heck out of there. It was a very negative, scary feeling and it came on me in an instant as I walked into that room.
I can later justify in my mind that it truly was some sort of artifact caused by the system and perhaps when the roll up doors opened, a Possum came in. But that is not what I truly believe. I feel as if I once again witnessed something supernatural.

Story 2

by BlackCat1206 on Reddit

When I was five or six my Mama and I lived in my Grant’s Council house with extended family.

(My Gran and Grandad had lived there for years with nine children and at times a few Grandchildren and my Great Grandmother’ for decades before I was even born.

My Great Grandmother had passed more than ten years before I was born when my Mama was quite young.

My Mama and I shared a large back room which doubled up as a sitting room/playroom.

One night I was sleeping in my bed facing my toy cupboard which had no door but a really pretty sheet that Mama had painted nailed onto the frame of the cupboard keeping my toys tidy.

I remember suddenly opening my eyes to see a little old lady in the doorway of my toy cupboard.

I wasn’t scared (which in itself was slightly strange,) as I felt the old lady was familiar and safe, she just appeared to be a regular little old lady with slightly strange-looking clothes.

Without moving her mouth she said ‘It’s OK Pet, I’ve just come to see how you are, go back to sleep.’ The words sounded clear in my head, being five or six I said OK and went back to sleep.

The next day I was playing in the garden with Mama and I told her about what I said was a dream.

Mama who was very close to her Grandmother looked at me, then asked me to describe the old lady, so I did, Mama looked a little strange and then changed the subject.

Years later, we were talking about family with my big Cousin Jimmy who was living with Mama and I at the time (I was about eight and Jimmy was around fifteen, sixteen) and Mama told me that when I described that little old lady I actually described our Great Grandmother.

Jimmy laughed and said when he had the same bedroom he had seen our Great Grandmother also in the same place as I saw her, there were only three differences.

Jimmy knew our Great Grandmother before she passed (all be it he was very young but remembered her well), it was in the middle of the day when Jimmy saw her, and she just smiled at him without speaking.

My Mama got out a really old looking family photo and in the middle of family members I knew looking younger was the very same kindly-looking little old lady.

Additional note ‘Pet’ is used as a pet name by many people from Newcastle and I think Sunderland also where my Great Grandmother’s family originated from.

Story Three

My Old Terrifying Haunted Apartment

I lived in an apartment with my mom and sister for 10 years and well the place was haunted. When my dad was still with my mom he would tell us about how when he slept, sometimes he would wake up to something grabbing his chest. And this would be in my parents’ room to become me and my sisters bedroom. We never believed him until we moved into the room. The strange occurrences we always thought were our parents because they were funny like that. Our toys would be positioned to stare at us and we would freak but it turned out it wasn’t. My sister told me there would be a boy in the hallway watching us and our trash can that would open by itself and stuff falling out of our kitchen.

The worst it got was when we got the bunk bed. My mom met a guy with a kid and they moved in with us and then she dumped him but we kept the bunk bed. The top bunk was mine and the bottom was vacant and my sister had her own. In front of the beds was a huge closet mirror, and I looked at it in the middle of the night and I saw a man looking at me from the top bunk and I was just scared because I could only see the back of him and he was a tall fella but I don’t remember what he really looked like except his head was balding. Just hair on the sides but none on top. When I looked I whispered for my sister and my sister said yea and I asked if she saw what I was seeing and I looked at her face in the reflection and she was just shocked. I freaked out and jumped down onto my sister’s bed and she held me and when we looked back he wasn’t there. We really didn’t know what happend and I’ve asked her if she’d had remembered this incident and she did and when we talk to people this is a story we usually bring up. Ghosts have been a fascination ever since.

Story Four

by Anonymous sent to

When I was a kid I lived in the corner room of a very large ranch house. My older brothers and sister lived on the east wing of the house and my parents and I lived in the west wing. We lived on about 6 acres of farm land where we raised some 4-H animals such as goats, cows, and horses. The part of the pasture closest to the house was down an incline and mostly flat then it went uphill to another horse pasture a neighbor owned. Between the hill and the flatter area was a creek that ran down from the laguna.

As gross as it sounds, I used to swim in this creek during the summer. I wouldn’t have if I had known where the water was coming from but when you’re a kid you don’t think of these things. I would also chase pollywogs and minnows down the creek during the winter. One time I was in the more shallow end of the creek and I was fishing for the bluegill with my bare hands when something long wrapped around my wrist and tugged on my arm. It was long, black and had white dots on it that I thought looked like an octopus but that was silly because it we were probably 35 miles from the Pacific and no octopus is going to live in fresh creek water. I started to move my arm out of the water when 3 more tentacles wrapped around my arm pulling even harder. I screamed and yanked my hand out of the muddy water and started to run toward the house and that’s when I saw him, this really tall shadowy figure standing next the large oak tree on our west pasture.

He had long tendrils like the thing in the water and was beckoning to me. It was really hypnotic and I started to walk toward the strange man when my mom called from the kitchen window and told me to stay out of the creek water. Right then I snapped out of the trance and started booking it to the house. I looked back as I ran and the man had started to merge into the old oak tree where his long arms turns into the branches.

That night as I tried to go to sleep, I could hear the oak tree calling to me in the wind. The west pasture was probably 500 feet from my bedroom window and the tree even farther away, but even I could see its arms moving around in the branches. I shut the curtains and never opened them again in that window. After that I never heard from it again.

Story Five

The Spirit Woman

by Friscoplaya49 on reddit

This was a paranormal story that happened to my Mom when she was 9. Her & her family lived in the outskirts of a small town in the Monterey Bay Area in 1975. The house my mom lived in was on top of a hill with a winding road leading to it, facing a lake. There’s no neighbors & the other houses were a distance away. What my mom knew of the house, was that it was built in 1927. It was a old white wooden Victorian house. She said it was completely off to be out in the hills far away from Watsonville, California, a small town about 25 minutes east of Santa Cruz. It started off as a community for immigrant workers who came here for a better life. She said that the rooms were big with plastered walls & massive windows in every room that it had been repainted so many times in the house’s history that the windows were sealed shut. Mom recalled that windows were so high off the ground that you couldn’t break into them. I’ll warn you ahead that this is pretty disturbing. And if I sound dramatic, it’s from my mom’s point of view that writing this down on, so bear with me.

My grandparents worked far as they worked in the fields when Mom & her siblings moved to live in the United States from Mexico & often left my mom & my Tias & Tios by themselves with my older Tia in charge. Mom & her siblings were used to being by themselves for long periods of the day until my grandparents would come home from work. She says the property around the house had an old barn & a shed full of old rusty farming equipments. My mom & her siblings would spend the day exploring the nooks and crannies of the buildings, often pretending that they lived in those times & roll played.

But often, Mom & her younger sister, Leticia, talked about strange things in that would to one or the other in or around the house! Tia Lety told my Mom about the incidents that were happening to her, she would lie on her bed looking up at the corner of the ceiling. She would tell my mom that she could see “the corner was bellowing like it had lungs.” & she be so scared she would run out of the room. That was Tia Lety’s recollection of what happened to her. But then, it was Mom’s turn.

One evening, Mom lied in bed facing the wall when she was sleeping. She always locked the door to her room, being there in the dark by herself. She said she would be in that state where you’re half asleep & half awake. But then she felt an ominous weight at the edge of her bed. She was chilled with fear because she knew no one could possibly be in the room with her! She said she felt a motherly presence that was watching her as she slept. Mom wouldn’t even dare to turn to her head to look at whatever it was that sat beside her on the bed. She was too scared to look at “it” because she thought she would die of fear if she saw what it was. She spent the whole night praying that “it” would go away & leave her alone. That was one of many incidents that happened to her in that house.

There was a 2nd mysterious situation where my mom would hear knocks as if someone was there in the house with her. Mom would run to the door, excited when she heard the knocks at first. But, no one would be there! She says it happened at random 2 or 3 times in the day alone. She thought it was someone pulling a prank but it dawned on her that she had no neighbors for miles around. That’s when she became scared. Eventually, it stop but it stayed in her. Mom was becoming increasingly frightened because nothing would add up.

She said remembered that when the door knocks stopped, there would be soft tappings between the walls. In the beginning, she thought she was hearing things & she didn’t pay any mind to it. But she constantly kept hearing those soft taps from inside the house, day or night. Mom didn’t want to tell anybody because they would discount it that it was imagination was working overdrive! Her mind was slowly becoming fearful to what it could be.

So one night, my grandparents left to go food shopping in another town, & Mom decided to stay by herself because she thought it was boring. But she completely forgot about all the things that were happening in that house! So later on, Mom was sitting in the living room because they had left early & she was thinking in her mind that they would come home before dark. She was there in the living room all alone while it was completely pitch black dark outside. She said that all she heard was the frogs croaking by the lake & crickets chirping. Mom said she was getting a feeling that she was being watched through the windows. But the windows were so high for someone to look through. At that point, she was running around the house like a headless chicken full of panic & fright for her bad decision that she regrets to this day of staying all alone! Like if it couldn’t get worse for my poor Mom… the tappings came back… but louder! Mom was thinking that she was becoming insane or that fear was grabbing a hold of her head. So she decided to confront whatever it was that was doing that. She started following the noise where the tappings were coming from. It was towards the very back end of the house near the back door. As she inched closer… & closer, she put her ear against an inner wall of a small dark closet near the back door where the knocks were coming from outside. And what she told me next, gave me goosebumps typing this down! She said that she heard the loud wailing noise of a baby bawling & crying as if it was trapped inside the closet. Mom didn’t even bother to check this because it shook her up. Then for a quick moment, the tappings inside the house came back but…much louder as if someone was banging on the door! She ran all the way into her room & locked the door when she went to get her rosary. Mom waited for what she felt like forever for her family to come home. After that, she never thought about staying alone again.

After Mom was done hearing things, now she said would finally see what it was doing all ruckus to her. Yet another dark night, in the middle of summer, Mom & her siblings were eagerly waiting for her dad to come home from work. She ran to the back door, anticipating his arrival! Mom opened the door without hesitation, & she remembers that she was completely scared of what saw next. She says that a distance almost close to her, she says she saw was a solid white soul shaped like a woman, floating across the backyard, going from one corner of the old barn to the other corner where an old watershed used to be standing that was demolished right after my mom moved in. It was knocked down because my grandparents were concerned that the old dilapidated shed would cave in while Mom would play there with her brothers & sisters. When the “woman” reached the shed, she disappeared into thin air. Mom was speechless of what she saw & ran back into the house to my Abuela. She couldn’t even speak to my abuela & after a while when the fright left my mom, she told Abuela of what “it” was. My Abuela told Mom something chilling. Since my whole family was Catholic & they kind of believed in the supernatural, my Abuela thought, “That the “ghost” was trying to contact to my Mom.” Mom said that she didn’t want to hear anything to do with the “woman”. Abuela said that if Mom didn’t call “her” out, that the “woman” wouldn’t stop trying to communicate with my mom. It’s odd because it just happened to her only & not her siblings. Abuela mentioned to Mom say to “her”, “WHAT DO YOU WANT?!?” Mom complied & when she did it that night, the “woman” never responded to her & all the paranormal things stopped.

Now that my Mom told me this, she recalled that Tia Lety researched about the house’s history & freakishly found out… that there were 5 children that lived in the house… just like my mom’s family… of 5! But if that was scary enough, 4 of the 5 children’s names were the exact same… Jose (Tío José)…Anthony (Tío Tony)…Francisco (Tia Francisca)… & then my mom’s name… Maria. Disturbingly, one of the children were killed by a stray gunshot of a bullet in the house that was built in the 1920s. But the barn & the shed were built during the Gold Rush in California. I theorized that the “woman” thought my Mom was the child who died in the house & wanted to contact her to see if she was her “child”. Just recently, last week we went to Watsonville for a family event, & Tia Lety told us that the house no longer stands & was demolished a couple of years ago. Mom told me that this would be the first & last time she’ll ever tell this as she felt scared by this even to this day. I will never forget of what my mom had endured. I’m glad that she made it through up to this day, for me… to see her. To be with her. And Mom, no matter what, I will love you, forever.


Thank you for listening. If you enjoyed these stories, please head on over to either my website at, my youtube channel, or my social media accounts by searching for SpookyBooRhodes.

You can send in your own spooky scary stories to or filling out the form from the website. You can also call in your stories or comments to the program and your message might be played during one of the livestreams. Call 707-776-6592.

That’s all for tonight.
I’ll see you in your nightmares

Author: spookyboo22

There are many different authors on this website who have allowed their work to be used through the Creative Commons. I am only the site administrator. Most stories are not written by me.

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