Freaky Stories About Dating Websites

The Girl I Met on Tinder Won’t Stop Taking Photos


Tinder is a funny place. Not funny as in haha, but like… Strange, you know? People pretend to be so normal but normal people do n’t need dating apps…

Take me for example, I was 29 years old and single for the first time since I was 11. Best believe I was fucked up. Me and my ex-wife got together when we were kids and finally had the balls to split up 17 years later. It wasn’t what you would call healthy at all. People grow apart, especially if you get together before you’ve grown at all.

You don’t really think about it but a lot of things change when you get divorced. Living alone is fucking weird, even more so sleeping by yourself after years of company, but the hardest thing is trying to adapt to the ever-changing dating world.

After some convincing from a friend, I decided to make a Tinder account. Why? I don’t know… I had the perfect dad bod, scruffy beard, and pickup truck. Why would someone pick me out of a million profiles? I guess I spoke too soon because soon after my inbox swarmed with messages. Apparently I’m exactly what every woman wants but one in particular stuck out.

Fiery red hair with these dimples. Her profile said she was an addict of horror movies and photography. This stuck out because my ex-wife HATED horror movies and I have an undying passion for them. Honestly, in some ways, it was the main factor in our divorce. I’m sure my horror fans understand.

So, I messaged her.” One two Freddy coming for you.” Oh, I don’t think I mentioned, my name is Freddy so I thought it’d be funny, ya know, the Freddy Krueger song… Anyway, she got the joke like I knew she would and we hit it off. After a few days I got her number and a week after that we went on our first date. We had talked so much through text I was afraid we wouldn’t have anything to talk about in person so I chose to take her to a movie. They also happen to be playing Lights out which looked and was fucking amazing! As the movie progressed we slowly got more comfortable and close, especially at the part where that creepy demon woman was scratching on the floor, Jesus!

It was around that time I decided to hold her hand. I just reached over and grabbed it. After a minute I look over at her to see her smiling. After returning a smile I looked back towards the movie screen. Just then a bright light flashed blinding my peripheral and causing the theater to fill with angry shouts. I looked over and she was sitting there with her phone up and took another photo of us not giving a shit about all the people yelling. She turned to me wearing the same smile from a moment ago and says, “Our first time holding hands.”

Honestly, It did weird me out but I just chopped it up to, she’s just crazy, but listen, all women are crazy, it’s just to what extent? You have to choose your crazy. My ex-wife would make fake social media accounts to get me to cheat on her with herself. This girl likes to take pictures, I can deal with that.

The rest of the movie went fine. I purposely tried to avoid any dating milestones until it was over. I got her home and it was time to say goodnight and I thought long and hard about my next move? Do I try to kiss her? I mean, she’s gorgeous and was cool most of the night, but would our kiss just be interrupted by the flash of her camera? She stood there smiling at me and I knew what she was waiting for, that’s when I looked down and noticed her phone in her hand. She was literally prepared to take this picture. I know I stood there for an abnormal amount of time but eventually I went in for a kiss and sure enough, I was blinded once again by the flash of her phone.

The kiss ended, a bit flat after the interruption, and she giggled while saying, “Our first kiss”, as she admired the photo. She told me to text her and went inside, leaving me completely speechless on her stoop. “What the fuck do I do now.” I thought.

Deciding such a flaw could be ignored, I continued to see her. After two weeks, her photo gallery had filled up with photos of things like, our first car ride together, the first cuddle session, and first dinner date, but there were a lot of stranger things too like the first time we looked at each other for longer than ten seconds and a picture of the first time that I took our picture, which she made me take so she could take that picture of me taking the picture. It was exhausting! Half of the time she’d take pictures for no reason. I would often catch her out of the corner of my eye, just standing there waiting for me to turn so she could take a picture.

I’d had enough. The day I decided to break it off with her we had taken the subway downtown to go to the museum. You can only imagine how many fucking pictures she took in there. I planned to do it on the way home when we stepped on the platform. At least there would be people around in case this crazy girl tried to kill me. Unfortunately, I’d never get the chance.

After having to wait and be the last people off, we rushed to slip through the closing door only to barely make it. That’s when we realized her long red curls were stuck in the door. I desperately tried to free her as I pulled on her hair and pounded on the window begging for someone to help. The people on the train tried to pry the door open but once the train started moving she lost her footing and was dragged the rest of the way, disappearing into the tunnel. I turned to the crowd that stared at the man who couldn’t save the girl.

As you can imagine, it fucked me up a little. I didn’t want to be with her but I definitely didn’t want her to die. Even though we saw each other for a few weeks, I was only actually in her presence maybe 5 or 6 times. I definitely hadn’t met her family but still felt obligated to go to the funeral.

I had no clue what to expect but when I got there It seemed like a perfectly normal viewing. A sign-in book, arranged flowered the whole Shabang. I stepped up to the casket to pay my respects. Of course, it was closed, she had been dragged away by a train, there’s no way they could have it opened. My thought was interrupted by a blinding flash to my right. I turn to look out of reflex and there she was, standing with her phone out. Her gorgeous red hair draped down her body that looked as though it had been priced back together like a jigsaw puzzle. Some pieces, obviously misplaced. The camera flashed again and she was gone.

I’m not one of those people that believe in ghosts, but I also know that her death didn’t affect me to the point that I’m going fucking crazy. Yes, we were dating, and yes I didn’t save her but, I did try and it was in no way my fault so forgive me for not being messed up over a situation where I tried my best but just wasn’t meant to succeed.

The thing is, she never went away… I mean, there are times where I don’t see her, but if anything important happens she right there to take a picture. The call I received about my new job. She was standing in the kitchen with her phone up before the phone ever rang. Her body, disfigured and gray. When I met my new wife, she was there. Also, on our first date, and even the first time we made love she was right there in the corner, the flash becoming more and more, normal… When my son was born, she was in the room taking the very first photo.

Even though we never get to see the photos, it’s kind of like having our own family photographer. My wife can see the flash but she can never see the mangled form just to the left of her, setting up the perfect shot. My son on the other hand usually notices her before I do. Even when he took his first steps, he was walking towards her. One thing I’m sure of though, that had to be the perfect photo.

The Dating Site

Posted by SCPplaguedoctor

During my first year of college, I was single. Everybody else in the school had a partner, but I didn’t. Even my nerdy friend had a date. Prom was coming up, and I was desperate to find love. Desperate to feel like the other kids. I had heard of a dating site which will remain unnamed. All my friends had found their dates from this site, so I gave it a go. My worst mistake.

I opened my computer and typed the link into my browser. Immediately, a pop-up appeared, asking me to make an account. I agreed, making a simple account. However, the pop-up asked me strangely personal questions, even for a dating site.

It asked: “Are you below 13?” to which I answered no, since I was 17. Afterwards, it asked me more strange questions, including if I had ever dated. At this point, I was tired. It was 12:00 am, and I had been on this odd site since 6:00 pm. I decided to come back to the site after I had slept. I crawled into bed, and fell asleep quicker then usual.

In the morning, I woke up to my roommate standing outside my door. He had this… blank look on his face, as if he had been there all night. I asked him what he was doing. He stood still, quieter then I had ever heard him. I noticed he had his hand behind his back, hiding something. “What’s that you have?” I asked, suspecting something horrible. “I brought you food.” he mumbled, snapping out of his trance. “Oh, thanks.” I replied. “You left your computer on.” he continued, “I couldn’t sleep.” He slowly turned away and walked off. I had not noticed the open window yet.

After I was done with my classes, I went back to my room. I was not thinking about getting back on the site at the time, not until I saw what was in my room. A red envelope sat on my table. “I haven’t seen this before,” I thought. I pick it up, tearing open the almost warm red paper. It came apart quickly, like a cobweb.

The paper read, “You haven’t finished making your account.” I quickly looked around, missing the threat. “Phew, I’m safe.” I sighed. Now my mind was set on finishing my account. I answered all the questions, only so I could starting seeing potential dates. The first girl that popped up was… strange.

She had a very similar appearance to a missing teen. Blonde, glassy blue eyes, a cold smile. The second one was no better. She had also looked like a missing teen. Brown haired, glassy grey eyes, and braces.

I had settled on a girl. Let’s call her Grace. Grace had red hair and green eyes. Her account claimed she was 16, and lived near me.

Grace and I had a conversation. She was sweet and smart. A few weeks in, I had developed a crush on her. I was nervous to confess my feelings to her, so I invited her to a local café nearby.

She responded with, “See you soon ;)”

I was 10 minutes late, but she seemed like she got here in a rush. Her hair was messy, she had a coffee stain on her red cardigan, but I thought she looked stunning. We ordered our drinks, and I told her. She blushed, and said, “O-Oh. I love you too…” I immediately kissed her, and she kissed back. The kiss lasted for what seemed like eternity, even if it was only seconds.

She immediately moved in with me. We were a perfect couple. But not everything was as it seemed. Every Tuesday night, I woke up to the sound of… knocking. I always opened the door when I heard this, but only a piece of paper was there. It always said “Tuesday 17”.

I didn’t understand what it meant. I wish I never opened the door. On the night of prom, I was nowhere to be found. Grace couldn’t find me, nobody could. Weeks after, I had just become another missing boy. Nobody knew what happened to me, nobody knew if I was even alive.

The Dating Website Experience

Posted by Scaryism

About a year ago, I realized that was I extremely lonely. Why I hadn’t realized sooner? I have no idea, even though all the facts were right in front of me, telling me why I was like this. I told myself that I need to put myself out there. I kept telling myself this for two weeks, and I finally got off my ass and decided to try online dating.

I logged onto a website (of which I can no longer find on the internet, so it shall remain nameless) and took a deep breath. I created an account. Nothing weird or abnormal occurred, except that every time I looked away from the website’s glistening gold logo, it looked like it flashed a different color for only a split second. I tried to catch it “in the act” several times and was unsuccessful. I gave up trying this and put my final “bits” of information into the website, including a profile picture, my email confirmation code, and so on. I began searching for women in my area. Surprisingly, I found 17 women, who weren’t much older than I was, in a 1-3 mile radius.

“Damn,” I said to myself.

I was about to say something else when a notification came up from a woman named… let’s call her “Abby”. Abby and I began chatting, exchanging words like “Nice profile picture”, thank-you’s and hello’s and many other words were being thrown around. I noticed that she was almost within walking distance of my apartment, living about 6 blocks down. I was going to ask if she wanted to do something later that day but she took the words right out of my mouth.

I replied with, “Sure! How’s 7 PM for you?”

She said, “Anytime is fine, actually.”

“Ok, well see you then :D.”

“Bye :)”

She left the chat. I started getting ready for what I thought might’ve been the biggest night of my entire life. As I was applying deodorant, I suddenly remembered that I hadn’t told her my address. The worst part was, it was 6:58 PM.

“Shit! I gotta tell her where I-”

I was cut off by a knock at the door. I had no idea what I was about to get into. I walked towards the door and opened it, thinking that I had received a package or something. But this was no package. Maybe a package from hell? I’ll just say it. Abby was standing outside my door.

She said, “Hello, Ray.”

I wanted to ask how she was there but I politely replied, “Hi.”

“You wanna go to that fancy place down the street?” she said.

I was a bit nervous and reluctant to respond. But I thought for a second and said, “Sure.”

We walked out of my apartment and I locked the door. The fact that she had somehow found my apartment no longer concerned me as it did before, what was important was that she was here and I wasn’t lonely anymore. We walked to the restaurant. We stayed and talked for about 2 1/2 hours. We ate excellent food and were treated fairly. She wanted to come back to my apartment, and of course we all know what that means. I said “Sure, it’s up to you”. We ran back to my apartment and that was the official best night of my life. I awoke the next morning with her in my bed.

She greeted me with a, “Good morning, honey.”

I replied with, “Good morning.”

She told me that she had to go, that her brother was coming from Kentucky that afternoon. We got dressed and I said goodbye to her as I walked her to the door. I watched as she crossed the street (this was about a minute or 2 later). She was just walking off the sidewalk, when a car hit her.

I ran down to the street to see if I could “clear her off the streets”. Thank god it was a red light. I ran to where she was but she wasn’t there. Her body, there was no trace of her. I swore to myself as I walked back into my apartment and started up my computer. I wanted to delete my account on that website so bad, I logged on and noticed the “color-changing logo” stayed the color it looked when I looked away. I had one message/notification. It was from Abby.

“Hi Honey, last night was amazing :)”

I didn’t respond. I just deleted my account. I was so done at that moment.

“Never again,” I said to myself, “Never.”

Author: spookyboo22

There are many different authors on this website who have allowed their work to be used through the Creative Commons. I am only the site administrator. Most stories are not written by me.

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