Episode 250: Freaky Halloween Stalker Stories

Good evening, it’s Spooky Boo coming to you from the radio waves in Sandcastle, California. As we approach Halloween 2021 I bring you creepy Halloween stories of the past and present. What is worse than a bunch of kids tossing eggs at your house on Halloween night? Halloween stalkers, of course! These 5 creepypasta Halloween Stalker stories will make you want to lock your doors on Halloween and not come out. That is what many in Sandcastle do because they know Halloween brings mischief and mayhem to all who are somewhat normal. But for the naive and the innocent who just want to knock on doors, beware for you know not what awaits you behind the masks of evil.

This show would not be possible without the listeners or Patrons including madjoe, P.A. Nightmares, Ivy Iverson, Jenn Mishievous, John Newby, Patrick, and 933TheVolt.com. Find out how you can support Spooky Boo’s Scary Story Time by visiting my website at www.scarystorytime.com/support.

Call in your scary stories or comments for the show at 707-SPOOKYB, that is 707-776-6592 and it might be played on the air.

Now let’s begin…

TITLE: Halloween Horror
AUTHOR: Creepypasta Author

Long ago on Halloween night, a masked killer roamed the desolate streets of a quiet Arizona suburb.

In search of victims, his blade trembled in his hand as he hunted. The muffled breathing behind the latex clown mask was all that could be heard from him.

His eyes raced from side-to-side as he watched countless children prance around in their colorful or “spooky” costumes shouting with joy and excitement from the endless amounts of sugar they would soon devour.

Continuing down the street he spotted a teenage couple preparing to enter a tree house in a backyard. Making his way toward them, the couple was already safe inside. It wouldn’t be long before they’d make their exit and this man had nothing but patience along with the urge to strike.

As they couple made love in the tree house, the silent figure leaned behind the tree in wait. Taking the blade against the bark, he carved something that read, “Hide all you want, I will find you.” As he finished his crude writing, a groan could be heard from above implying that the male had finished.

“Oh my God, that was amazing! I’m going to go grab a beer, you want one?” he asked his lover before she smiled and nodded in approval.

Slipping into his jeans, he blew her a kiss as he exited through the trapdoor in the floor of the wooden asylum.

Silently whistling a tune, the man behind the tree reached out and clamped his hand fiercely around the young teen’s throat and slammed his head against the rough bark. The teen struggled to break free before the bark was struck a second time from his skull.

Blood sprayed against the killer’s mask as he forced the boy to stop breathing and ended his life through a final slam. The limp figure fell free from the grip and collapsed into the grass. Glaring down at the young boy, he felt no remorse for what he did. A thump from above refocused his attention to the girl still inside. He took hold of the crude planks nailed into the tree used as a ladder and made his way inside.

“Well it took you long enough,” she began to say as the creaking of the trapdoor echoed inside the small room, “Where’s my-” she stopped suddenly as she turned over to see who was standing over her. She began to sob in fear as he exposed the blade.

“I swear I have no idea where she is!” she began,“ You have to believe me! Please don’t hurt me!!”

Her cries of desperation had no effect on the killer as he made his was closer to her. She pushed herself away from him until she was in the far corner of the tree house.

Inching closer, the man sheathed the blade and reached down to help her up as if sympathizing with her.

Her tears began to slow as she looked him in the eyes believing that he would not harm her. She smiled a bit before the man let out a muffled exhale of breath and forcefully grabbed her throat.

The rubber of the gloves was all she could feel before he pushed her against the wall and raised her higher.

Exposing the blade once more, she struggled like her boyfriend did outside as he lightly pressed the razor sharp tip against her soft flesh.

Without any motion of the blade, her struggles created incisions against her belly. The thick crimson poured onto the floor as she slowly began to go numb. Growing weary, the man decided to end her life.

He carried her to the window with his hand still clamped around her throat and tossed her out. As she fell, she felt like an angel slowly falling from Heaven about to collide with the Earth.

The man glanced down as her lifeless body crashed beside her lover; their hands now together a final time. He sat in the window and leaped down with much fury. The man stumbled off into the night in silence as children continued to roam the streets in hopes of collecting the most candy.

This is not the end of this man’s gruesome tale. His rampage will not stop, he will continue on until he finds her and fatally ends her life.

TITLE: The Handprint (5:25:00)
AUTHOR: Creepypasta Author

This happened at my friend’s house a couple years ago. It was the first time she’d thrown a big party like this for Halloween.

A couple of my friends and I ended up spending the night there, because no one was in any shape or mood to drive home at two in the morning.

We crashed in her living room. The house was small, and it only had one floor. The living room is to the right of the front door, lots of windows, and a big pond out in the front.

Everything else is an empty field. Adjacent to the living room was the dining room and the kitchen. To the left of it, you’ve got your classic creepy hallway, complete with an old dusty mirror at the end of it.

There were about seven of us total, sitting in the living room, when all of a sudden, my friend stopped, claiming she heard a noise. So, she and another one of the guests went down the hall to have a look as the rest of us continued to doze off. That was, until they came running out, shutting the curtains and turning off as many lights as they could. They urged us to do the same. We shut all the curtains and turned off every light in the house save for a couple of flashlights. That’s when our lovely hostess started handing out steak and butcher knives for “protection.”

At this point, the rest of us just wanted to understand just what the fuck got them so upset. Apparently, they’d gotten halfway down the hallway when one of them noticed a movement in the corner of her eye. She looked into the office, the first door on the right which faced the front of the house. There was a handprint on the window.

This would only seem a little odd. But the handprint was on the outside of the window, and had never been there before. Mind you this was a small house. We were partying all over the place. Someone had to have been outside in the last ten or twenty minutes to make it. The only other problem was that the window in question was elevated two metres off from the floor. As far as I’m concerned, no one at the party was two and a half metres tall.

By now, all of us were thoroughly freaked out about the fresh handprint. Except for me. Me, being oddly disinterested in freaky shit, went outside to see the handprint. That’s when I realised how tall you actually had to be to make a handprint at the top of the window like that. I figured no one else had noticed yet. Besides, scaring people who are holding steak knives is a stupid idea.

I went back in to check on everyone. They’d considered calling the cops, but the house wasn’t made with a working land-line, causing the reception to go to shit. I decided to calm everyone down and tried to convince them that some guy got proper plastered and just hopped up to slap the window like that. Since no one had considered the height of the window, they believed me all the way to the next morning.

When everyone went to sleep at night, I didn’t. I ended up staying up, because I knew the one thing that I hadn’t told everybody.

I knew the truth, and I figured I should be awake in case there was a break-in. I had to use the bathroom earlier that night, and I found a similar hand-print on the bathroom window, which happened to be at least half a metre higher than the one the others had found. And when I walked outside, I realized that half the windows on the front of the house had handprints. But to this day…I think I’m the only one who has discovered that.

TITLE: Dark Park (9:00)
AUTHOR: Creepypasta Author

I’ve never brought this story up, not even to my pals who were there that night. Pretty sure they’d rather forget about it, too. I can’t help but think about it every year, when Halloween approaches.

We grew up in a simple small town in a time when us kids could run free without worry. Nothing mattered except getting home by the time the street lights turned on. The parks and the woods were our kingdom and we ruled, fearless.

That Halloween night changed everything. A heavy mist filled the air like walking through a cloud. I remember feeling the water droplets against my face. Cold and damp, yet exciting.

My pals got permission to stay out later for Halloween unsupervised as long as we promised to stick together. We had already trick-or-treated every house on our block and decided to continue down to the lower block for more candy.

There is a park just outside that neighborhood where we rarely played. It has a swingset with two cast iron sculptures on the top bar. One is a lion head and the other is the head of a clown. They are about the size of a jack-o-lantern and are similarly hollow.

Weather and time had peeled away most of the paint, making them creepy even in the light on a normal day. I’m sure they looked neat when it was built in the ’60’s, but not so much by the time we inherited the park.

Sometimes we’d dare each other to climb up to the top and reach into the mouth of either the clown or the lion to put something in it or to see what someone left. Those hollow heads with gaping mouths were not the only reason we rarely played in that park, but that’s what took us there that Halloween night. A dare to reach into the clown’s mouth.

I remember standing shoulder to shoulder with my pals on the sidewalk in front of the park. The last houselight on the edge of the lower block was barely visible up the road. The clown and the lion looking down at us with open mouths and peeling paint.

As if the ornaments atop the swingset weren’t bad enough, it was the slide behind it that caused concern for every generation of kids who played in that park. A green s-curved slide stood behind the swingset. We all knew the story about the slide.

We froze in panic when something began rustling under the slide. I hope my heart never beats that hard again. We heard an unmistakable choked gurgle coming from under the slide.

Then something dark reached out and thrashed against it. Metal hit metal with a “tink-tink” and the gurgling grew into a wailing moan.

I dropped my bag of candy and ran toward home as fast as I could, with my pals doing the same. I’m not sure if anyone else looked back, but I saw her. The dark form scampered out from beneath the slide.

It staggered forward, grasping at its neck and fell. It crawled and reached at us. The gurgling cry will haunt me forever.

Years before our time there, a girl had been playing alone at the park. She had put on her dog’s collar and leash to play pretend that she was a doggy. No one’s really sure how it happened, but it seemed that she had climbed to the top of the slide and fell off. The leash had wrapped around the railing at the top and she was found there, hung dead.

The tales about her ghost under the slide had been passed along from generation to generation of kids who played in that park. I wonder how many stories about that slide have never been told. I’ve never brought it up myself, until now. I wish I could forget about it.

TITLE: Pumpkin Boats
AUTHOR: Kentops

Conner used to reside in a small town near a lake. Each year on the night before Halloween, Conner and his friends, Cory, and Rayn would each place a pumpkin in the lake. On Halloween, they would travel to the other side of the lake to see if their pumpkins had arrived.

On a cold October night, Conner had gathered his friends at the lake. They each carefully set their pumpkins in the dark water. The boys knew that they should head home. There had recently been a kidnapping after all. Conner and Ryan started to walk back, but something had caught Cory’s eye. He informed the others that he thought he saw something behind a tree that was only a handful of yards away. That tree lies in front of a thick forest, letting anything that used to lurk behind it, hastily escape view.

Early in the afternoon, Conner and his friends were at the lake eager to start the long trek to the other side. There had been a brief downpour the previous night hence, the ordinarily bare dirt path had shifted into a damp mud. As the boys were walking, Ryan pointed out what looked to be light footprints traveling down the trail. However, Conner and Cory didn’t think much of it.

As they continued down the path, they spotted the lake. The boys ran towards it in anticipation. When they stepped foot on the small patch of grass that borders the lake, Conner noticed something. His pumpkin, an average sized pumpkin with a stem that curled and ended in a point, rested on the grass. Ryan’s pumpkin was on the shore about a yard away. Cory’s pumpkin, however, was nowhere to be found.

When Conner was at his house, he started to carve at the pumpkin. However, something was wrong. The pumpkin had a small slip near the top. When Conner finished carving to the top of the pumpkin, he noticed a small bag inside. The bag contained a note that read, “Have a Jolly Halloween!”

Conner was visibly perplexed by the note. “Why did someone put this in my pumpkin?” Conner thought aloud. Conner decided aloud that it might have been in there before he even bought the pumpkin. The slit was hardly visible so he could have overlooked it.

That night, Conner and his friends were ecstatic to go trick-or-treating. They walked around the neighborhood for about an hour before coming to a halt at a certain house. Cory stopped the others and pointed out what he thought was the pumpkin that he released into the water on the previous night. Conner and Ryan both informed him that the pumpkin just looked similar, and was not in fact his.

One hour later, Conner and his friends were at his house comparing how much candy they had each received. Conner was going through his candy when he felt a small piece of paper. The paper read, “I hope you had a jolly Halloween!”

Conner gasped in shock, he quickly informed his friends about the note he had found earlier in the day and asked them if they had a similar note among their candy. Ryan and Cory carefully searched through their candy to no avail. Now Conner was scared, he started to question everything in the past couple of days. Ryan informed him that it must be a coincidence, and maybe they were all just overthinking it. Conner liked that idea. He put is candy away, and said goodbye to his friends.

The next day, Conner had no school, but his parents had to work, so he was alone. After a while, he got hungry, so he reached into the jar that housed his candy. He felt a strange object, so he pulled it out. In his hand was a square candy, with a red wrapper sealing it shut. One side of the wrapper was slightly transparent. Conner unwrapped the candy, only to find a box. The box had a small camera lens on the side, and the top read, “Soon, you won’t be jolly!”

Conner stumbled backward and ran outside in a panic. Conner’s backyard is right next to a dense forest, so he tried to flee. But, I rushed to him and grasped him. The boy’s struggling stopped after some time, and I was easily able to drag him into the forest. He won’t be jolly for a long time.

TITLE: Too Early to Trick or Treat (17:30)
AUTHOR: HoodQuest

I’m in desperate need of help. If anyone reading this could please give me some insight, it would be greatly appreciated. I’m aware that some or most of you may be hardcore horror fans like myself. That’s why I’m coming to you with a serious problem. I’ve always been a fan of horror. I always enjoyed a good jumpscare or a creepy feeling to keep me up. However, what I have been going through for the past 10 years is something I can’t understand.

I am a 40-year-old man. I’m happily married, and I have three children who all go to different universities. Every year, my wife and I would get extremely excited around the fall season. The reason for that is particularly because we both love Halloween. We would always spend a good few grands on decorations and candy. We were known as the go-to house in our neighborhood for scoring a mother load of delicious treats.

However, as I mentioned, something strange occurred 10 years ago. One night, my wife and I were enjoying a little quality time together when we got an unexpected knock at the door. I answered it and was nearly knocked off my feet from the sudden scare. When I opened the door, I was greeted by a large person in a yellow rabbit costume. They looked like a mascot. At close examination, the costume was a little unsettling.

The head of the costume contained massive, cartoon eyes and ears that were quite long. The whole costume was pretty impressive. It looked like one of those full-body costumes you couldn’t just find in a store. It was like one of those suits you would have to pay a pretty penny for online. The bunny held a small jack o’ lantern bucket in his hands. He proceeded to hold it forward without saying a word.

This is where the problem comes in. This happened in the early part of September. As you could imagine, we didn’t have any candy to give the poor fellow. I didn’t want to be rude. I thought this just could have been a confused person. There was no way it was a child. The person was huge. They had to have been at least six and a half feet.

“I’m… sorry. It’s a little bit too early for treats. Why don’t you come back in October? We’ll definitely have something for you then,” I said.

The bunny simply looked down in his empty bucket, turned his back, and skipped along down the street. Naturally, we found the situation quite bizarre. This wouldn’t necessarily be a cry for help if it ended there.

The next time, it was late in December. Snow was practically pelting down on the town. That’s when we received a knock at the door. I answered and was greeted by the bunny-suited individual again. The suit looked visibly dirty, as if it hadn’t been taken off in who knows how long. The funny thing is, this person never came to my house on October 31st, not a single time. I tried to be nice again and told the person there was no candy. I also told him he should probably find some shelter from the blizzard. There was no way I was letting him in my house.

The next time it happened was in the middle of January. At this point, I was quite frankly getting a little bit irritated and uncomfortable. I even informed the local authorities of this guy. I could legally say he was harassing me and my house. All these years, the police never came up with anything. I let this go on for five years before we decided to move. One time, I even answered the door with my gun and threatened violence. Apparently, that didn’t intimidate him in the slightest.

After we moved about two miles on the other side of town, we thought it was over. For a few months, nothing happened. Until one day, I got a knock at the door. I didn’t think it would be him because everything seemed fine. We didn’t have any problems for a while. However, when I answered, it was surely the costumed rabbit person again. His costume was completely filthy. I could see large accumulations of dust and spider webs. I could even see little spiders crawling over his body. It was as if the costume was beginning to rot.

No matter how many times I threatened violence or snapped on the guy, he would always come back.

This is what I need help with. A few days ago, he came back. I was reluctant to answer the door. It never worked before anyway. This time when I answered, I could see splats of a dried, red substance along his mouth and torso. I just wanted this encounter to be over with, so I reached into my pocket and handed him some peppermints. Surprisingly, he shook his head to say no.

I have to admit that I’m stupid. For the first time in 10 years, I asked him the question I never thought to ask.

“What do you want?”

His body went still for a few seconds. Then, he extended his bucket towards me and gestured for me to look inside. I nearly vomited at the sight. Inside his bucket, there was a heart. For my own conscience, I choose to believe it wasn’t a human heart, but I have doubts. In an act of defense, I punched the bunny right in his face. His soft, cotton head went flying into my front lawn.

What I saw then has kept me up ever since. Under the mask, there was… nothing. There was no person. It was just… empty. I looked over in the yard at the discarded head. I swear, for a split second, I saw the head blink. Before I could even process what was happening, the body ran towards the head. It picked up its head and ran at an inhuman speed.

I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to deal with this. I could honestly use some help. I’ve gone to the police. I’ve gone to my kids. Everyone thinks my wife and I are crazy. I’m desperate for help. I’m afraid that my life and that of my wife are on the line. Why? Because this morning, something was written on my front door.

“See you on Halloween. For one last time.”

I’m taking that as threat. We’ve already decided that we’ll be leaving town for Halloween. I don’t know if it will matter. What if it finds us like it did the first time? Why is it coming for us? What the hell even is it? If anyone has any solution or answers, please let me know. Halloween is quickly approaching. We’re running out of time. And if a big yellow rabbit comes to your door on Halloween… or anytime, slam the door in its fucking face.

Thank you for listening. If you enjoyed the stories head on over to my website at www.scarystorytime.com and make a comment. You can also follow me on social media by searching for Spooky Boo’s Scary Story Time on most platforms. On Saturday nights I go live on YouTube at youtube.com/spookybooscarystorytime at 7:00 PM Pacific for chat and fun and then after we all head on over and watch Creature Features at around 9:00 PM. Come and chat with us and have some fun.

But why stop here? Keep on listening by clicking on the next story and listen to Spooky Boo all night long.

Otherwise, I’ll see you in your nightmares.


Author: spookyboo22

There are many different authors on this website who have allowed their work to be used through the Creative Commons. I am only the site administrator. Most stories are not written by me.

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