Creepypasta and Scary Stories with Spooky Boo Episode 77: Spooky and Possibly Possessed Mannequins

Creepypasta and Scary Stories with Spooky Boo Episode 77

Creepy and Possibly Possessed Mannequins

Hey, it’s Spooky Boo. Aren’t mannequins some of the creepiest things ever? Seriously. they stare at you as you walk around the store and sometimes their arms or heads look like they’ve changed positions when you looked away. They sit in the store in their alabaster bodies alone at night waiting for you to come in again and stare at their blank faces wondering if they see anything in the dark.

Creepy, to say the least.

Today I have 4 very spooky stories about mannequins from the Creepypasta Wiki for your listening pleasure–or should I say nightmares? Be sure to check out the links to the stories at to read along or find out more about the authors.

First, I’d like to invite you to read or listen to the stories that I’ve written as author Boo Rhodes. These stories are available on my author page at amazon or on the podcast Spooky Boo’s Scary Story Time. You can also get my stories and these stories commercial-free at the Spooky Boo Club at

If you’re on Spotify, don’t forget to check out my favorite punk band Stay Out. It’s a band for the San Francisco Bay Area and you’ll love their Spotify hits.

You can catch me on Saturday nights watching Creature Features on YouTube and chatting with friends in the chat room. Get their YouTube link from and join us to have some fun.

Now, let’s begin.

Story 1

Since When Do Mannequins Bleed

That bastard, Manny, woke me up again in the middle of the night. I absolutely hate it when he does this. This time, I guess he had a good reason to wake me up like that. I just wish he wasn’t an asshole about it.

Manny and I, we have a strange relationship, I’d say. Even our meeting was weird. He just appeared at my place one day. He was there, sitting on my couch – reading my copy of Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons.

I’ll admit this much, his appearance at my place wasn’t random at all. I can swear I’ve seen him looking at me as if admiring me from a distance for weeks before our meeting. It’s hard to miss the guy. He really sticks out in a crowd, given his odd-looking head. Manny’s appearance is mostly unremarkable, other than what appears to be a pale white smiling mask permanently fused to the skin of his head. It looks like he has a purposefully deformed mannequin head stuck on his body. Hence the name, Manny.

Somehow no one else has ever noticed him. Usually, people write me off as mental whenever I mention him, which is why I avoid talking about him to others.

When I saw him sitting on my couch like he owned the damned thing, my instinctive reaction was to get mad. I yelled something obscene and pounced on the couch with the intent to maul him with my hands.

What came next scared the living hell out of me, I hit the couch and flipped it over – but the bastard was gone.

He disappeared on me before reappearing behind me, and letting out this distinctive high pitched chuckle of his. He said that he was going to play with me like a marionette and then vanished again.

I just sat there, flat on my ass, scared out of my wits. I had no clue what the hell had just happened to me. I’m still not entirely sure. It’s been years now, and Manny comes and goes. Whenever he shows up, I know it’ll be one heck of a ride. He pops up and does his best to make my life hell; not letting me sleep by being an incredibly loud unwanted roommate or by driving me nuts with his mostly moronic rants just before I go to sleep. Other times he shows up and just makes me feel like shit by giving me vivid accounts of horrible… Horrible… Things about me and the world. His recollections feel as if he’s feeding the imagery directly into my brain, I can quite see the horrors he’s speaking of.

Needless to say, that makes me feel terrible.

I think he can even influence my dreams at this point, I swear, whenever I have a nightmare, I wake up to him standing at the edge of my bed, staring straight into my soul. Usually, these nightmares I think he gives me are events from my past, amplified and perverted into haunting scenes straight out of some horror flick. Other times these nightmares are just distressingly weird things you’d not expect to see in your sleep, like that one time when he made me dream of me viewing black and white footage of what appears the main street of some city devoid of people with this dramatic music playing in the background. The atmosphere of this whole thing felt incredibly off, but then came the truly terrifying part. Singing, quite a cheerful singing came to flood my ears, forcing me to look around for the source of the sound. My dream-self looked up, and above it… Me… hung women dressed in twenties outfits, swinging from the street lights… Lifeless… Swaying softly in the wind… And yet singing cheerfully…

I woke up in a cold sweat to be greeted by the pallid mug of that bastard.

Over the years, he’d pull some nasty trick where he’d stand there in the distance, making sure I see him before pulling out a long black rod and… and… Stabbing himself… Somehow… as in with some voodoo magic, I’d feel it wherever he stabbed himself. Usually the leg… It hurts so bad whenever he does this. He seems to have this gleeful expression on his face, like he’s enjoying the pain while I want to scream as a result of the sensation of a boiling hot metal rod slicing through my nerves. The first time was as shocking as hell, I’ve bitten so hard into my lip due to the pain, I now have a scar there as a reminder of that day. Unfortunately, I’ve come to accept it as part of my experience with Manny.

That’s not even the worst of it.

The worst part about Manny, however, isn’t this sort of stuff, nah, the worst part is when he pops out of nowhere and lets out a thunderous roar straight into my ear before vanishing again. Whenever he does this, I tense up like crazy. It’s akin to having a cannon shot going off right next to you. Sometimes I stay tensed up for hours, others, it goes away within minutes.

After each encounter with Manny, regardless of what he does, I end up being stressed, vigilant, and aggressive and above all else, exhausted – sometimes to the point of wanting to just throw myself off somewhere high.

That’s definitely affected me in more ways than one, hence why I mostly isolate myself from others.

He’s trying to ruin my life. I’m sure. I don’t know why me… I didn’t do anything wrong… I’ve always loved helping people. I didn’t put on the uniform for the pay, I only ever wanted to do some good, y’know, the closest I could be to being a superhero, I guess.

Well, I was sure he was trying to mess up with me, up until tonight. This time it was different – he woke me up by shaking my body awake. Seeing his ugly mug before even fully waking up gave me that adrenal kick. I punched him square in the head; although my fist never connected, it just went straight through his head.

“Heeeeey, hold up, doll!” he yelled as I pulled my hand backward, cursing under my breath. “I’m ‘ere to help ya…” he continued. I didn’t believe him. He was just trying to mess with me again, I reasoned.

So, I tried ignoring him and going back to sleep. I shrugged him off and pulled the blanket tightly over my head.

He shook me again, “Oy, dolly, get up! ‘Tis time I’m ‘ere to help. Pinky promise!”

“Fuck off!” I barked, trying to drown his presence out of my head with some pleasant memories.

“Shhh… they’ll ‘ear ya” he shushed me.

Something was wrong with that statement. Usually, there are no others involved in his cruel jokes.

I pulled the blanket from my head and looked him dead into his empty eye marks, “What are you talking about?”

He mouthed, “quiet down your tone”

“Huh?” I questioned, confused and genuinely pissed off at this point.

“There’re tree mannequins in yer house. They don’ mean no good, dolly.” He whispered.

“Bullshit!” I barked back with a whisper; I didn’t even know why I was whispering, really.

“Lissen for yaself, dolly,” Manny hissed, pointing at where his ears should’ve been.

I did as he said. It was dead silent. I was going to throw another fit at the creature that’s been haunting me for the last few years but then my thought process was cut short by the sound of footsteps.




My heartbeat sped up, I slowly got out of my bed, walked towards the bedroom door. I always keep it locked, even though I live alone, it’s like an OCD thing. I stood by the door and listened.

Someone was definitely walking around in my house. Three people, in fact. They were saying things I couldn’t understand. They were too quiet.

My breathing was becoming shallow, and my body was getting hot. I could feel my own temperature slightly rising.

Manny whispered, “Toldcha.”

I just stared at him, and he took a step back. That had never happened before.

Some switch inside flipped, and the bastard smiled at me, I just kept listening to what was happening outside the room. The pallid bastard opened up a closet and pulled out my two baseball bats before telling me to pick one.

He knew what was going through my head; he knew exactly what I was going to do.

I took one of the bats, the black one.

It felt nice in my hand.

Manny vanished, I cranked my neck and the door handle twisted.

The door to my room swung open.

Before me stood a literal mannequin.

I could almost hear something snap inside.

It didn’t expect me to be awake.

I moved swiftly, expertly, nearly took its head off with the bat.

The sound of cracking thick plastic boomed in my ears.

The mannequin collapsed to the floor.

I went out to the hall, another mannequin stood with its back to me, this one white, I think there was something attached to its plastic hand.

I took a swing to its back, and it bent in half before collapsing on all fours.

A second hit to the back of the head.

It wasn’t moving anymore.

The third one saw me; a brown one, it ran towards the front door.

I followed.

It wasn’t going to get out just like that.

I caught up to it.

It started making pleading movements with its arms.

Ugly piece of shit.

I slammed the bat on top of it.

I swung once, twice, thrice.

I swung over and over again.

Even after it was crumpled on the floor, with many parts collapsed on themselves.

Once I was done with the third mannequin, Manny popped up again; he spat his poison in my ear again, “tie em’ up and dump em in the garage fo’ now.”

I did just that.

I wasn’t even thinking on my own.

I was on an autopilot.

Good thing the front door was unlocked.

The adrenaline wore off quickly, and I was exhausted once more a completely worn-out man. I headed up back to my bed, almost as if nothing had happened. I was pretty docile and relatively calm after that. I passed out on the spot pretty much.

Manny was nowhere in sight, thank God.

I slept like a baby.

Waking up this morning, I remembered what had happened the night before and my mind raced again, forcing me to feel like the world would collapse on top of me if I didn’t check the garage.

The moment I got out of my bed; cortisol filled my system up once more – I noticed a massive bloodstain on the floor.

Since when do mannequins bleed?


Story 2


We all grow up hearing the stories of things that go bump in the night. The man with the hook for a hand, Bloody Mary, the list goes on. We grow up hearing these stories and putting them to the back of our minds. We use our rationale to weed out what is true and what is just folklore. I used to think the same way, until I went… there…

Before I go any further, I’d like to note that we had a very different kind of hobby we enjoyed. We would research places on the internet that were abandoned or, hell, if we were lucky, possibly haunted, and we would explore them. We always had a great thrill exploring the unknown, looking into places that society had left behind to rot. Now, returning to my story…

I was 18 at the time, and I was with my two friends, Erik and Paul. It was a Saturday night, and we decided to go on one of our adventures. I told my friends about a place we didn’t explore yet. A few towns over, there was this abandoned factory. Strangely, even with the amount of research I put into this place, I could not find a single thing about its history besides the address. There was no information on what it used to be, no ghost stories, no records, absolutely nothing. This seemed strange but cool; it kind of gave me the thought of possibly uncovering some interesting information myself.

We all piled up into my car and followed the GPS to the destination. The GPS said that the building was off the road a ways. We looked out the window and saw nothing but trees. I assumed the factory was deep in the woods, but this didn’t faze any of us, because we were so used to exploring the darkest and creepiest parts of the world. As we started to cut through the trees, I shined my flashlight a ways, and found the factory up ahead…

It was huge, overgrown with trees and foliage. It must have been about three stories high, and all of the windows were either busted or boarded. We hit the jack pot. The three of us proceeded into the derelict structure and put on our respirators. Safety first, right? There was junk everywhere: cans, old motors, trinkets of a different era way before mine. As we found more items, we came to the conclusion that this used to be some sort of automotive factory. As we continued deeper into the building, I noticed something felt wrong. Like a nauseating feeling of wrongness just swept my body like a wave. I stopped for a moment, and Erik asked, “What’s wrong?” Not wanting to sound like a pussy, I just waved him off, and we kept walking.

Towards the center of the building, there was a set of stairs. This place was creepy enough, without a staircase that only goes down. I’d never felt this feeling before, but I actually didn’t want to go down there. I shined my light down the steps and stared for a moment. All there was, was silence.

“Come on, you guys are acting like a bunch of fuckin’ pussies,” I remember Paul saying. He led first, me and Erik followed close. We finally hit the bottom, and to my unnerving surprise, there was the arm of a mannequin laying on the ground. I thought to myself, What would something like this be doing in here? The feeling instantly got worse. We cautiously scanned the room with our lights, the beams illuminating the dust, or whatever was in the air. With the room illuminated by our flashlights, it was obvious that there really wasn’t anything amazing down here, just more motors and junk. We were about to turn around and head back up, until I noticed something behind what appeared to be a large boiler, so I walked up to it, and it was a door. It was very short – about half my height – and was covered in rust. I slowly opened the door and stepped inside.

Without thinking, I walked forward, intrigued, yet horrified. I turned around and shined my light back into the room I came from, and my friends were missing. The door then shut…there was no handle…no way out! I was terrified. I couldn’t even think straight. I banged on the door, I screamed for my friends, but nothing happened. I turned around and shined my light. What I found was an old, rusted ladder, leading down into a dark hole. Clearly, there was nothing I could do but go down, and hope there was a way out. A horrible smell came from the hole. I proceeded down the ladder, and I noticed about every ten feet, the brick shaft I was descending would look more decrepit and dirty than it initially was. It seemed unnatural, but then I finally hit the bottom. The smell got progressively worse.

The floor was flooded up to my ankles in murky water. I shined my light forward, and my beam didn’t hit the end of the room. It was huge. I had to be dreaming, because how could this be under an automotive factory? The deeper I moved into the room, the more mannequin parts I saw: heads, arms, legs, everything. Some had red liquid, dripping from the eyes and mouths. Even deeper, there were mannequins that were standing, some missing arms and heads. They got more frequent as I kept walking. As I walked even deeper, there were more intact mannequins, the red liquid still dripping from the faces. I began to panic. The more mannequins I passed, the closer they got… they just kept closing in on me. I eventually hit a wall, where there was a rusted door. Without thinking, I burst through the door and ended up outside the factory.

I was standing behind the building. Before I could turn around to see what happened, the door was already shut. I didn’t even attempt to second guess what I saw by opening the door. I just wanted to go home… I walked back to my car and drove off. I was so drained that I wasn’t even concerned about my friends; they probably called for a ride. I noticed that I hadn’t seen many cars. I knew it was late, but… actually, I didn’t see one car the entire ride back…

I arrived home.

There were no cars in the driveway. This was very odd, because both of my parents never stay out late. It was still pouring rain. I ran to the porch to avoid getting soaked. As I went to turn the knob, I noticed it was also unlocked. I got that nauseating feeling I had at the factory. I needed sleep. I cautiously entered the house, dropped my gear and climbed up the steps. I went to flip on the lights, but nothing happened. The storm probably blew the power out.

I walked to my parents’ room; the door was slightly ajar. It slowly opened with a loud, creaking noise. I shined my flashlight in the room and saw two mannequins standing behind their bed. These ones were different though. They both had large, sinister-looking smiles running across their faces. Mannequins don’t look like that… I panicked. I ran for my room and slammed the door. My heart was pounding, and I began to sweat.

I heard my closet door open…

I turned around and felt my heart sink to my stomach.

I saw a mannequin standing in my closet. It had Erik’s skin stretched over the white body, blood dripping, his face crudely pinned to the mannequin’s head. There were dark holes where his eyes and mouth would have been.

The head turned towards me and said in Erik’s voice, “Curiosity killed the cat.” His mouth moved as he uttered the words. The limbs also began to rotate, ripping the flesh as it did so.

I then heard a loud ringing in my ear. My head was pounding, and I felt the nausea return.

I threw up and blacked out….

I woke up to the sight of my two friends’ faces. We were still in the basement of the factory.

“Whoa, easy man!” Erik said. “You blacked out. Looks like you hit your head pretty hard.”

I eventually sat up, and began to tell them about the room behind the boiler, the mannequins and my confrontation with the one wearing Erik’s skin.

They were confused, so I got up and walked behind the large boiler to show them the door.

It was gone.


Story 3

A New Mannequin Arrived at Work

I work in a store that deals in selling children’s toys and clothing. Dotted around the store are a bunch of mannequins wearing either fashionable clothes with children’s characters on them or costumes to be like their favorite characters.

Every few weeks, the store changes. Literally, nothing stays in the same place for more than a month. The dolls can take up an entire section of a wall in one month and then occupy a small freestanding fixture the next. This means that the mannequins move around all of the time too.

One night, about a month back, we broke two mannequins. Much to our dismay, and our boss’s, we needed to buy a couple of new ones. Our boss was livid with us because apparently, those things cost about two grand each. Two fucking grand for a fake kid.

Anyway, the two new ones arrived a few days later along with one of our deliveries for the week. I carefully picked up one of the mannequins and took it to where it would be put on display the next morning and asked one of the girls I was pulling the delivery in with to grab the other one. When I returned, I saw she was dragging this other new mannequin across the floor while still wrapped in a protective bag.

“What are you doing? Just pick it up, it’s not that heavy,” I said, mockingly.

“Oh, yeah? You try!” she said with a wisp of bite to her words.

I gladly swooped down and picked up the mannequin, although it was not with the ease with which I first assumed I would pick it up. This thing weighed a lot… a lot more than the first new mannequin. It was so heavy that I had to lift the thing up onto my shoulders just to spread the weight across my body enough to carry it the whole way. I carefully lowered it back to the ground and propped it up against the wall with the other new mannequin.

Oddly, this new mannequin didn’t have detachable extremities. Usually, they all come with two detachable arms and one detachable leg in order to dress them easier. I always had found that a little creepy too. They all have eyelashes. This one didn’t though which, looking back, seemed a bit odd, but I never gave it a thought at first.

I left a sticky note on the thing saying to install that new mannequin first when the morning team arrived for work and that it would be at least a three-person job due to the weight and the height it needed to travel. I even questioned whether or not our glass shelving would be able to withstand the weight or not on the note.

That day was one of my days off. I got a text from one of the guys helping out that morning that read as follows:

“You weren’t kidding about that mannequin being a three-person job… it took two ladders and four people to get that thing secured in and up there. What’s that thing made of, iron?”

I sent a reply giving them all props for even getting the thing up there.

So, a few days went by and everyone forgot about the mannequin situation… that was until I noticed the shelf it was standing on. The glass shelf, which is safety glass, so it’s thick, and the two metal arms holding it up, were beveling under the weight of the thing. How had no-one noticed that? I immediately told my manager and he said that it should be fine until we close, then we could take it down.

When the time came, he entrusted me to do this alone. I showed him the text I received from one of the guys who installed the damn thing and he just looked at me as if to question my masculinity. Yeah, my manager was a “men should be men and women should be in the kitchen,” type of arsehole. Watching him talk down to people always riled me up but when he did it to me I had to heavily suppress the urge to flat-out punch the guy.

So, he’s cashing up, one of the girls I work with is tidying the store and I’m trying to take this mannequin out of the wall, and fuck me, was I struggling. I couldn’t even detach this thing from its metal holder never mind take it down.

After what felt like an hour, I managed to lift the thing up and I immediately became teetering on the ladder. Even with my colleague holding the thing still, the weight of me and the mannequin seemed too much for the top of the ladder and physics wanted to kick me in the nuts that day. We both went flying from the top of a nine-foot ladder. There was a comedically loud slam on the ground and I blacked out for about two seconds. I was brought back around by the shakes from my colleague.

I was able to stand up and when I did, I noticed two things. Firstly, my head was killing me and felt like I’d just gone three rounds with Brock Lesnar in an octagon. Secondly, there was blood on the floor. My colleague told me to stoop down to her level so she could check my head for any wounding. There wasn’t anything there. That was until we saw the that the blood on the floor was still pooling and that pool was getting bigger by the second. The blood was coming from inside the mannequin.

“What the fuck?!” we both said in unison.

I flipped the mannequin into a face-up position on the ground and surveyed it. There was a big hole in its head now and looking inside I can only describe what I saw as a mixture of flesh, bone and brains. I started picking at that cracked hardened plastic around the face and, when I did, my suspicions were confirmed.

Underneath the mannequin’s face was the face of a person. Not just any person… a fucking child. I and my colleague recoiled in horror and she ran to tell the manager. He came over and looked like he’d just seen a ghost. His reaction was the most flamboyant I’ve ever seen come from him.

He said he was going back to the office to call the police. After fifteen minutes of standing around with the dead body of a child encased in plastic on the floor, I went to the office to check on him. Through the little window to the office, there was no sign of the manager. I ran around to the back door to find both of the double doors swaying in the wind, and the space in which his car occupied was no longer filled. The manager had fled.

We then called the police, fearing that he hadn’t, and they arrived within minutes. We gave our statements and went home. I have yet to find out anything that’s happened and it’s been a month. The only thing I was told by the police though, was that my manager still hasn’t been found, and after searching his home it’s clear that this man was twisted enough to kill a child and then display the body like a trophy.

In fact, there were targets listed on his walls.

Keep your children safe, people. And next time you look at a mannequin on a shop floor or shop window. Look extra close… it might not just be a big hunk of plastic. Inside could be a whole other level of twisted.


Story 4

The Stained Glass Man

What I’m about to tell you is a warning. Please stop, please turn back. We stood where you stand now and I wish that we had turned back.

I can’t remember how long ago it was, but we were excited, if a little nervous to be visiting our first “paranormal hot spot”. There were four of us: Michael, Sam, Anna and myself. We were all very interested in ghosts and “haunted houses” and all that stuff, in fact it’s what made us friends in the first place, though we had never actually visited any supposedly haunted areas, or spoken with anyone claiming to be possessed. So when we had discovered that not too far from where we all lived, there was an abandoned carnival or fun fair, whatever you want to call it, we jumped at the chance to go and investigate. Not to mention the fact that the reason it had been left by its owners was due to unexplained disappearances.

In its short history, this carnival experienced several disappearances on its grounds, none of which were ever resolved. As a result, the owners faced crippling law suits from the relatives of those who had gone missing. They had no choice but to cut their losses and run, leaving the carnival grounds to slowly rot away. It was somewhat out of the way in terms of location so no-one bothered to buy up the land and remove the cancerous, rusted rides and attractions, it was just forgotten about entirely it would seem. All the better for us, an isolated, abandoned fun fair? It was like a paranormal enthusiast’s wet dream.

“Are we there yet?” I remember Sam whining for the hundredth, millionth time.

“Yes Sam, we are here, now will you please shut up?” I said in an exhausted tone. Anna stifled a giggle and Michael just stared out of the car window.

“Wooooooow,” he exclaimed, entranced by the moldy, truly grotesque scenery that met us at the entrance. A large gate, built to look like a clowns face swallowed the dirt road we were on. We exited the vehicle and began to make our way into the grounds. It was better than we had ever imagined: broken down rides, decomposing wooden stands inhabited by rotting teddy bears, there was even the occasional paper clown mask fluttering around in the breeze sporting their sinister smiles. Sam and Michael fanned out, taking pictures and gawking in amazement, Anna stayed close to me and we began to chat

“Wow, this place sure is… creepy,” she said with a shudder.

“Come on, you’re not losing your nerve are you? I mean you’re the one who told us about this place,” I said, poking fun at her.

“Yeah, I know,” she said in a quick and nervous tone.

“But..?” I asked.

“It’s just a lot more… intense than I was expecting.” Before I could reply I heard Sam calling us over. We saw him and Michael standing outside a small, brightly coloured, though somewhat faded, structure with a wooden plaque above it saying ‘House of Mirrors’. Sam motioned for us to follow but by the time we had gotten to the doorless entrance, both he and Michael had already gone inside.

Anna searched in her bag for a flashlight and upon finding one we proceeded to venture inside, though we soon realized that the flashlight was unnecessary. The inside was illuminated by dull light, somewhat similar to moonlight, but we weren’t sure where it was coming from as the moon was completely obscured by clouds tonight. Regardless we continued on inside and as we did, we were greeted by walls lined with, yes you guessed it, mirrors. Nothing out of the ordinary here, we simply stared in amusement at the deformed shapes that stared back at us, mimicking our actions. As we turned a corner however, our notion of ordinary was somewhat stolen, by the outstretched hand of a mannequin. Anna jumped a little bit, which prompted a laugh from myself.

“Shut up!” she shouted, angry but more embarrassed than anything else.

“What do you think this is doing in here?” I asked. She simply shrugged so I began to investigate. As I touched it my hand jerked back involuntarily.

“What is it?” Anna asked, worried. You could tell she was getting more anxious.

“Nothing, it’s just so… real. Like human skin.” The mannequin was that of a man, it was highly detailed: hair, nails, genitals. Yep, it was all there. The only thing it was lacking was a face. It simply stood, arm outstretched, eerily lifelike. It was pretty creepy but still just a mannequin, a very real, very detailed mannequin. So we dismissed it as such and recommenced our search for Sam and Michael. This seemed like a small building from the outside so it was strange that we couldn’t hear either of them. Nevertheless we continued on, only to be greeted by more of these super detailed mannequins, some male and others female. Each propped up into various positions; some leaned against walls, others looked like they were in the process of running and some just laid there on the floor.

It was when our focus returned to the path ahead of us that we saw it. At first we thought it was another mannequin, though this one had clothing. It was dressed head to toe in black clothing: black shoes, black trousers and a black jumper with the hood up, obscuring its face in shadows. It stood there, hands in its pockets and head facing down. We stared at it for a moment, we were about to continue walking but then, then its head slowly began to rise. My heart stopped as I saw its face, if it can even be called a face. It was humanoid in shape, but instead of skin it was made up of what I can only describe as stained glass and lacking any human features. Though rather than showing off some immaculate pattern of shapes and colours, each of the pieces were black and seemingly random in size and shape. The initial shock of its movement wore off on me, though not on Anna who was shaking violently. I stood, with a smirk on my face.

“Okay, very funny, Sam. Or is it Michael under there?” I said with a chuckle, trying to sound braver than I felt.

It tilted its head and continued to stare at me before it- it did something that shook me to my very core. The pieces of glass that made up its face, what I thought was a mask, began to shift, changing size and shape. They slowly changed colour and began to meld together forming a more cohesive surface. Now suddenly, I saw Sam’s face staring at me out from under the black hood. He, it was wearing a crazed smile as it began to speak

“Okay, you got me,” it said sarcastically. Before I knew it this thing was walking towards me; Anna was screaming at me and pulling my arm, trying to get me to run, but I was dumbstruck. I continued to look at this thing that was sporting my friend’s face as it walked towards me. Suddenly I zoned back in, turned and ran. I ran as fast as I could; I didn’t even know if Anna was still with me as I crashed into mannequins, throwing them out of the way and vaulting over them.

I ran every which way but couldn’t find the exit. It all looked the same, a never ending maze plastered with mirrors and seemingly no exit. I eventually collapsed, completely out of energy. As I thought, Anna was no longer behind me, I was alone with the exception of two mannequins. As I looked at one of them, a realization hit me; I recognised them. A birth mark on one of their necks confirmed it, I was looking at the faceless bodies of Sam and Michael. I wanted to run but was too tired, all I could do was sob. As I lay there, my whimpering was interrupted by something. It was a noise, or I suppose a bunch of noises: large groups of people talking, kids screaming, the sound of roller coasters, laughter, awful music; it sounded like a carnival but it was distorted, sickly and sinister. It was as if the place had just sprung to life again, but all of these noises rather than coming from all directions were coming from a single source. All of a sudden the noises stopped and all that could be heard was a deafening scream. It was Anna, she was close.

Ignoring my exhaustion, I got up and ran to the source of the noise but when I got there all I saw was the thing that was chasing me, only this time its face had changed from Sam’s to Anna’s and it was still wearing that horrifying smile. It had probably caught her a long time ago and mimicked her voice to get my attention. I knew then that the noises I heard earlier must have been coming from it, not only could it copy faces, but it could copy sounds as well. I turned to run, but the path I had just came from was gone with just another mirrored wall in its place. I turned back to see the doppelganger just a few feet away and with the rest of my strength tried to fight it off. I punched it as hard as I could and to my surprise it actually fell back but kept its balance and slowly regained its posture. Its face… Anna’s face was now cracked and discoloured where I had hit it but it was still smiling. The cracks on its face grew until Anna’s face had disappeared entirely and was replaced by, what I presume was, its normal stained glass, its own featureless face.

It didn’t keep this form for long though, soon the distorted sounds of the carnival recommenced that it took down its black hood, and its head exploded into an amalgamation of faces, each saying different things. On the top left of its now massively deformed head was a young girl. “Hey mister, will you play with me?” it spoke as if two voices were speaking in tandem, the little girl’s voice and a much deeper, demonic voice. In the bottom right corner was the face of a man, smeared in clown makeup.

“Hey! I’d just love to cut your fucking face off!” it screamed, the “normal” voice was again accompanied by a demonic one, though this time it was slightly out of sync.

“I’m so lonely…” moaned another voice, this one was on the verge of tears. It originated from the top right of the large mass of faces, it was a man. He shifted his grotesque lump of a face to look at me “You will stay here forever, with me and I won’t be lonely anymore! You will stay!” he screamed. He was looking at me but it didn’t seem like he was talking to me. This one had no demonic accompaniment. Those were the ones I could make out, but there had to have been at least a dozen more, each shouting, crying, mumbling, laughing and some were just staring at me or into space. It was so loud, all of the noises combined were literally causing my ears to bleed. I fell to my knees and covered my ears but that didn’t help. Suddenly, however, the noises stopped leaving me in complete silence. It was then I felt a hand grasp my throat and lift me up off of the ground effortlessly. I looked down; the deformed mass of faces was gone, its regular glass face stared up at me. Its hands, which I was seeing for the first time, were made of the same glasslike material. I looked into its face and noticed a twisted version of myself in the reflection. Its skin was grey, eyes white and its mouth was distended. It looked like it was screaming from behind the glass face that looked up at me, though I couldn’t hear a thing. Whether my ear drums were shattered or not was unclear but that’s the last thing I remember before blacking out.

So please, turn back now while the exit is still in sight. Why won’t you listen to me? What do you mean when you say how “lifelike” I am?



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Author: spookyboo22

There are many different authors on this website who have allowed their work to be used through the Creative Commons. I am only the site administrator. Most stories are not written by me.

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