Creepypasta and Scary Stories Episode 67

Creepypasta and Scary Stories Episode 67

Story 1: The Asylum
These kids learn their lesson not to go looking for ghosts in abandoned hospitals for the mentally ill. Their last trip was to an old insane asylum where they thought it would just be a creepy trip and instead turned into their worst nightmare.
Original Story
Music by Myuu
Needless to say, we promptly ignored the sign on the front gate and hauled ourselves over, cameras and GPS in hand, and walked towards the asylum. Now, given our attitude towards the previous sites, you’ve probably gathered that I’m somewhat of a skeptic. I believe that there are paranormal things that can’t be explained (yet) but I’m not exactly summoning demons in front of a bathroom mirror. So when we opened the main door to the asylum (conveniently unlocked), I dismissed the cold burst of wind as just stale pent-up air rushing out after being trapped inside for so long. My friends’ bravado, however, quickly disappeared and they began shuffling their feet nervously at the entrance, hesitant to cross that invisible threshold.

Story 2: Scary Stories | The Dripping | A Creepypasta
Looking towards the small space between the tub and the toilet I saw a small puddle of black liquid, as black as black can be. My gut told me there was something terribly Off about this puddle; I experienced this incredible, primordial kind of fear the likes of which I’d never felt before. Every instinct I had was telling me to run but I couldn’t. Couldn’t take my eyes off it much less my legs. As I watched transfixed, a series of drops from above splashed onto the puddle, except there was no splash, each drop simply disappeared without so much as a ripple on the surface.
Music by Myuu

Stories 3 and 4: The Bathroom Mirror and Secrets of the Basement
The Bathroom Mirror
Music by Myuu
Secrets of the Basement
Music by Myuu
“This is my home.” Her body contorted and before I knew it, she came crawling impossibly fast across the room. Jake and I screamed and sprinted for the stairs. I somehow managed to get in front of Jake, and I was just stepping up the last stair when I turned and saw Allie grab his foot. She yanked his leg out from under him and pulled him back down into the basement. I heard him scream across the basement until his voice got cut off.

About Spooky Boo

Spooky Boo Rhodes is both an author and a podcaster. She has three podcasts available: Spooky Boo’s Scary Story Time where she writes her own stories and tells them on the podcast, Creepypasta and Scary Stories where she tells the creepy stories of the internet written by other authors, and Creepy True Scary Stories where people send in their own true scary stories for Spooky Boo to read.

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Scary Story Time Podcast
Scary Story Time is the world of horror written by Spooky Boo Rhodes. Here you will find scary stories of ghosts, haunted houses, vampires, werewolves, paranormal events, monsters, demons, cryptids, aliens, witches, and the unknown. The mystical entities in Sandcastle have been fighting the world of good vs. evil since time began. Today, crime hides within the realm of evil, and very few can tell the difference. Visit for more info.

Creepypasta Scary Stories
Stories written by amateur authors and told across the internet from sources such as the Creepypasta Wiki, Reddit, and even sent in to Spooky Boo. These stories are not written by Spooky Boo Rhodes. For more information on these stories and the original creepypasta links, visit my website at

True Creepy Scary Stories
Creepy True Scary Stories sent in to Spooky Boo Rhodes by listeners to read on the podcast. Visit

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This podcast includes stories of a dark nature and may not be suitable for all listeners. If you’re comfortable listening to stories that are paranormal or twisted dark horror then this podcast is for you.

Author: spookyboo22

There are many different authors on this website who have allowed their work to be used through the Creative Commons. I am only the site administrator. Most stories are not written by me.

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